Thread regarding IBM layoffs

Just out... IBM Mandating COVID vaccine for all US employees

Email from the CEO:

  1. S. IBMers,

It has now been more than 18 months since the onset of COVID-19. While the pandemic continues to evolve around the world, the health and safety of our employees, clients and partners remains our top priority.

President Biden recently issued an executive order mandating COVID-19 vaccines for federal contractors. As a federal contractor, it is a business imperative for IBM to comply with this mandate. In light of this requirement, the policies of many of our clients and partners, and the easy access to vaccines around the country, we will now require all IBM U.S. employees to be fully vaccinated by December 8, 2021, in order to work at IBM.

This policy applies to all U.S. IBMers, regardless of where you work (at an IBM or client site) and how often you come into an IBM or client office. This includes employees who had been given a temporary exemption at eight Research and Systems sites deemed business critical. At this time, testing for COVID-19 will not be allowed in lieu of vaccination.

If you have not yet been vaccinated or received the second dose of a two-shot vaccine, you should get fully vaccinated now so you comply. If you need to request an accommodation based on medical or religious reasons, you are strongly encouraged to do so by November 8, 2021. Requests submitted after this date may not be reviewed by December 8, 2021, and could result in you being placed on an unpaid leave of absence and/or losing IBM badge access until it’s been resolved.

Complete entire vaccination validation process now
More than 20,000 of you have now started the required vaccination validation process we shared last month. Complete the process now to verify your vaccination status and comply with the new requirement.

Review updated FAQs
A set of updated FAQs are available with additional details about our U.S. process and deadlines. If you need help with the validation process, please use the #return-to-workplace-tools Slack channel.

As I have said on multiple occasions, we follow the science when it comes to the pandemic. While the best vaccines are highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death, it takes a coordinated campaign to stop a pandemic.

Thank you for continuing to support each other, our clients and our business. I am very proud of the work IBMers have done during the global health crisis.

Arvind Krishna
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, IBM

| 11877 views | | 107 replies (last November 26, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1dcx9MBR

107 replies (most recent on top)

IBM wants the vaccine mandate so it can increase sales of their "Digital Health Pass" product.

Post ID: @Ovzk+1dcx9MBR

Everyone should consider the science and choose wisely.

Post ID: @vlay+1dcx9MBR

Be aware the mandate has NOT been published by Biden. I’m glad I retired on my terms this year.

Post ID: @jnat+1dcx9MBR

For those who have registered their vaccination with TrustAssure/CLX prior to Oct 7th, your status has not been shared with IBM yet. TrustAssure/CLX is supposed to update your vaccination status to IBM on Oct 27. Hopefully, that will happen and will be confirmed. If not, then good luck!!!

Post ID: @hufp+1dcx9MBR

I have not heard the date is changing.. everyone I talk to says it is 12/8. Where did you hear it was not 10/26?

Post ID: @goev+1dcx9MBR

I have not heard the date is changing.. everyone I talk to says it is 12/8. Where did you hear it was not 10/26?

Post ID: @gout+1dcx9MBR

Yet another lie from IBM management, Arvind and the Human Riffing department. The last date for forced vaccinations is Oct 26, not Dec 8. If the employee does not update the status by then, he/she will be placed on "unpaid leave" whatever that means. They will probably fire and the bi den administration is working to ensure that you dont get any or minimal welfare benefits. 1984 Orwell is here. Heil Bi den.

Post ID: @fgyu+1dcx9MBR

"Biden just handed IBM yet another opportunity to reduce its US workforce."

On the plus side, this time it will be people we really could do without. Instead of losing our best, brightest, and most experienced to FAANG, we'll be shedding the dim, the arrogant, and the selfish.

Post ID: @dyne+1dcx9MBR

Be aware, very few people are going to get religious exemptions. If you've taken vaccines in the past but suddenly "got religion" over Covid, that's not going to fly.

You might also want to ask yourself what it says about your character if you're willing to lie about your religious beliefs to avoid a vaccine. If you don't want the vaccine, at least be honest about it.

Post ID: @dsyk+1dcx9MBR

Educate yourselves - Everything you Need to Know about your RELIGIOUS RIGHTS protected by TITLE VII of the U.S. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT of 1964

Post ID: @ddug+1dcx9MBR

Most large employers wanted a Vaccine Mandate by the government. It takes them off the hook for legal issues from employees. I get it that people do not want to be told what to do (it's their body). In this case the "federal contractor" issue was important too in the decision i would think. I do think "remote only" employees deserve a break on this.

Post ID: @bfiq+1dcx9MBR

Biden just handed IBM yet another opportunity to reduce its US workforce.

Post ID: @8qie+1dcx9MBR

@5lce+1dcx9MBR so you think defending one's individual liberty is being a "snowflake?" I dont think that word means what you think it means.

Post ID: @8cwn+1dcx9MBR

Grab your popcorn everybody.

IBM Will Follow Biden Vaccine Order, Defying Texas Ban --

Post ID: @7fwn+1dcx9MBR

I can't wait to get a jab so effective that those who've received it fear those who haven't.

Post ID: @5uzs+1dcx9MBR

The "nobody will tell me what to do crowd" who blame the "left" for everything is surely whining a lot about private companies deciding what are the conditions of employment - in this case, you need to be vaccinated.

How is capitalism working for you? LOL

Post ID: @5gtq+1dcx9MBR

No surprise here (and AK is a member just like Ginni was/is) --

Cowardly CEOs --

Post ID: @5paq+1dcx9MBR

Love all the snowflakes who can't take a vaccine because, well "No one's going to tell me what to do!"

Go ahead, don't take the shot. leave your job. go broke. stay out of my air space.

But please do not clog up the hospitals when you get sick. Please just stay at home so you don't have to ride in a car, buckle your seat belt, stop at stop signs, and all those other things you get told what to do. Enjoy the bleach injections.

Post ID: @5lce+1dcx9MBR

GD right! Texas will stand-up to tyranny.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott bans 'any entity' from enforcing a COVID-19 vaccine mandate --

Post ID: @5fvs+1dcx9MBR

A good article to read and check out the links... think about it for a while.. why are they rolling this out like this? Even the old IBM credit union, now Hudson Valley Credit Union, is mandating the "shot" Their CEO and VP of HR are willing to loose a lot of good people because they want to look good to who ever is pulling their strings. Might be because the CEO is on the board of the company that runs vassar hosp.

well here is the link .....

Post ID: @5rtv+1dcx9MBR

Imagine a totalitarian national security state joining corporate and government power in a way that Mussolini could have only dreamed dedicated solely to assuaging the hurt feelings of women and minorities. You don't have to imagine this dystopia. You're living in it.

Post ID: @5hom+1dcx9MBR

Lets stop using the terms anti-vax and anti-vaxer These are very misleading terms and more along the line just trying to shut people up (like calling some one a ra-ist, when they are not.

I am not anit-vax, I have all mine and my children do too. What I am is anti mandate of this SHOT.

so call the people who are against the shot what they truly are - anti-covid19-shot

Post ID: @4yxf+1dcx9MBR

Happy indigenous people day. I am sure Ibm would have been behind the trail of tears too!!!

Post ID: @4hcb+1dcx9MBR

Look what anti-vaxxers are doing to Southwest Airlines right now. There are enough anti-vaxxers to knock the house of cards known as the US economy down, a house of cards built on a shaky foundation of fiat money and usury.

Post ID: @4lxn+1dcx9MBR

Wow There are so many covidiots at ibm.

It's ok guys don't take the vaccine and make it easy on ibm to lay you off 🙂

Post ID: @3aqm+1dcx9MBR

if you care about this country then it's obvious you should no longer support democrats.

Post ID: @3els+1dcx9MBR

if you care about this country then it's obvious you should no longer support democrats.

Post ID: @3ttz+1dcx9MBR

The jab isn't for your protection. The authoritarian left (pardon me for repeating myself) needs you to submit without hesitation, without question so that its decrees become easier and easier to force upon you. It's about eroding resistance to the authoritarian state.

Post ID: @3fzu+1dcx9MBR

Fox news is right wing and anti vaccine?
reminder: Trump got the vaccine rolled out with op warp-speed.

"If it comes from Trump I will not take the vaccine"

  • Kamala Harris
Post ID: @3vby+1dcx9MBR

"You should be denied medical care..." Soooo, I guess this $hit mentality applies to alcoholics who choose to drink, obese people who continue to overeat, addicts who continue to do dr-gs, cancer patients who choose homeopathic options rather than chemo... Let's here it for the people who stand for compassion and 'my body my choice'. Smdh

Post ID: @3rzd+1dcx9MBR

Freedom and democracy were born in the genes of the Europeans who gentrified this continent. Economic parasites who arrived here only yesterday to exploit the nation built by their betters, such as AK, don't feel freedom in their blood the way descendants of European immigrants do. This is America's future if the nation's founding stock does nothing to stop it.

Post ID: @3ejb+1dcx9MBR

My health is my concern, not yours. Your health is your concern, not mine.

Post ID: @3krs+1dcx9MBR

Figure out a way to collect disability. Hone those acting skills.

Post ID: @3xdu+1dcx9MBR

Counterfeit vaccination cards aren't difficult to find.

Post ID: @3pdl+1dcx9MBR

from missive above:

"you are strongly encouraged to do so by November 8, 2021. Requests submitted after this date may not be reviewed by December 8, 2021"

In other words, anyone already on the existing RA list who has not been vaccinated will be RAd on Thursday November 11th, and your last day will be in early December so we won't have to match your 401K. There will be a further round of RAs on Thursday December 9 of all remaining non-vaccinated employees.

Post ID: @3fjt+1dcx9MBR

Covid-19 exists only on your television and in your newspaper.

Post ID: @3xxi+1dcx9MBR

This is yet another scam by IBM to reduce headcount. HR has already done a correlation analysis, and determined that those who won't get vaccinated are likely the same folks they want to get rid of anyway ... and the vaccine mandate from the Government gives IBM the legal cover to fire people without getting sued. Wake up and smell the coffee, folks ... IBM was once a great company, but working there now totally sucks ba--s ... and you're just deluding yourself if you think otherwise. 😕

Post ID: @3ggh+1dcx9MBR

Take a man's job, smugly snicker as he loses his home and his family faces starvation, then find out what a man with nothing left to lose is willing to do. You will learn the meaning of the word loss.

Post ID: @3udx+1dcx9MBR

All whose jobs are at risk because you won't allow yourself to be injected with poison and disease, remember that your entire management hierarchy from your supervisor up to the CEO have names and addresses. Collect intelligence, reconnoiter, train.

Post ID: @3mnb+1dcx9MBR

One thing most of the posts here dont have to be very smart to work at IBM
Get VAXXED or die mo--ns.

Post ID: @2yvt+1dcx9MBR

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