Thread regarding SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. layoffs

They deleted the last post

Big brother is watching and didn't like what he saw!

| 2711 views | | 7 replies (last February 6, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1eMV4Yvm

7 replies (most recent on top)

Haha we know who you are talking about. That person is the worse and the company is better off not having her. What a complete and utter POS.

Post ID: @opql+1eMV4Yvm

Surprising they didn’t “restructure” that person like she had done to so many people before .

Post ID: @esun+1eMV4Yvm

It was about one of the VP’s at SWC that got demoted and sent to a different park . Karma caught up

Post ID: @9mvx+1eMV4Yvm

Would love to have seen it!!

Post ID: @7stw+1eMV4Yvm

Didn't break the sites rules. No bad language, no threats. Just some truth on SR.

Post ID: @1glh+1eMV4Yvm

Let me guess, you broke the site's rules and now you're absolutely shocked that your post got deleted?

Post ID: @haa+1eMV4Yvm

Please place your tray and tin foil hat in the proper position.

Post ID: @ekz+1eMV4Yvm

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