Thread regarding TechnipFMC plc layoffs

Never thought I would say this...

This used to be a great place to work. Great perks, lots of room to learn, great opportunities. Now the only thing that keeps me hanging on is the money, and to be honest, it is not that great compared to other companies around my area. SVP and VP levels are so far out of touch, it is dragging us down. Every month there are changes to the senior leadership levels, with back fill coming in with no experience. Leaning on the lower level workers, which only doubles the work that people have to put in. Engineering in Subsea are so far behind the times with their Technology it is embarrassing. "Tell us what you need to make this happen", "oh no, that's is going to take too long, your not getting these resources, or that amount of budget, do you really need that, think of a better, faster, cheaper way" Bring on the redundancies and let me free.

| 3010 views | | 1 reply (January 25, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1eXEjIBU

1 reply

You hit the 'nail on the head', way too many directors and VPs in Subsea, that really do not manage at all (or do anything, for that matter), they just collect a fat check, and badmouth anyone that doesn't agree with them for their problems, insidious. It's the 'buddy system' at TFMC ...

Post ID: @1jvm+1eXEjIBU

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