Topics regarding layoffs at TechnipFMC plc

Topics regarding layoffs at TechnipFMC plc

FMC Layoffs 2025

This is a master thread about FMC layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

| 82 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1vn8I1EU

Aberdeen update jobs & stress

Jobs are probably safe for now. This is the good news. I just hope they can solve the situation with workplace stress in Aberdeen especially amongst the onshore vessel technical support guys and gals. Numerous employees on statins, beta blockers... — read more 

| 1830 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1sjP9W5e

FMC Layoffs 2024

This is a generic discussion thread to capture comments about potential FMC layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

Would unionizing help?

Aren't some TechnipFMC locations union? What union are they a part of? Surely unionizing would help. We lost our bonuses forever in exchange for a one time 3% raise. How much more of this can we take?

| 1009 views | | 3 replies (last November 21, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1okipiUb

FMC Layoffs 2023

Share any updates you may have about FMC layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

When will layoffs continue?

There were some rumors about August a while ago, but I haven't heard anything new in a while. Hopefully, that means that it turned out not to be true.

| 2944 views | | 6 replies (last October 12, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1i9GdSdR

Interesting article on the Death of Fracking

The very bo-m that bolstered the US's energy independence is now making its gas-price problem much, much worse. For much of the past decade, fracking gave the US energy sector a massive tailwind. In the so-called shale revolution, fields in New... — read more 

Stephenville moving to Saudi Arabia?

Seen this on Technip's quarterly report dated 4/28/2022. " North America sales and profitability grew sequentially, driven by increased drilling and completion activity and an improved pricing environment. Outside of North America, we are investing... — read more 

The culture has turned toxic

Nobody wants to be here and they're showing it by being horrible to everybody around them. This is true for middle management and employees. People I used to consider friends have turned into strangers I can't trust not to throw me under the bus if... — read more 

What do they achieve by blaming someone else?

Maybe it would be better for the top dogs to finally start behaving responsibly towards this company and stop blaming everybody else for all the bad things that happen. What do any of us get out of placing a blame on something or someone? I get the... — read more 

Stephenville's grim future

These last few months have been rough in the Stephenville plant. Corporate has been holding at least one hiring event a week with barely a single applicant. The management here is running established employees out the door at an alarming rate. They... — read more 

Erie Plant

What is going on with the Erie Plant. We were told there was a lot of working coming; thus, they are trying to hire for a 2nd shift. Now we are told that they are going to farm things out because we are so backed up, btw there isn't much work on the... — read more 

Never thought I would say this...

This used to be a great place to work. Great perks, lots of room to learn, great opportunities. Now the only thing that keeps me hanging on is the money, and to be honest, it is not that great compared to other companies around my area. SVP and VP... — read more 

| 3043 views | | 1 reply (January 25, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1eXEjIBU

Poor Leadership

TechnipFMC has been going downhill since the merger and Doug Pfeiderhert was put in charge. The leadership at the top pay themselves outrageous salaries for poor results. They systematically forced out all the Technip people who knew what they... — read more 

The air is thick

Since I started working here, the atmosphere has never been worse. Most people are waiting for layoffs or looking for a way to exit. No one seems to expect or hope for anything good to happen here anymore?

| 2002 views | | 1 reply (December 7, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1ebZfvxY

FMC Layoffs 2022

Post any information about potential or actual FMC layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

| 2245 views | | 1 reply (November 15, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1dLIsqkQ

Are you staying for the Vaccine mandate?

TechnipFMC wants to roll out a vaccine mandate soon. It starts with asking for you to voluntarily give them your vaccine status. Then they hope to mandate it. Would you stay or leave if TFMC mandates vaccines?

| 1775 views | | 1 reply (January 18, 2024)
Post ID: @OP+1dyq0ItR

I need a break

I don't hate FMC as much as some of you do. The pay and benefits are decent and I work with good people so those are not the reasons why I'm considering leaving. Being constantly expected to do the work of three people is. It wasn't always like this... — read more 

| 3092 views | | 2 replies (last October 24, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1djxGcnD

How soon until Erie shuts its doors?

Between the poor leadership & not being able to ship on time it seems as though management is actively working to close the doors. The number of workers who care about their job has dwindled to a handful and even they are burnt out with constantly... — read more 

| 1882 views | | 1 reply (October 24, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1diwKXBn


I have never been happier than the moment I gave notice here. I am especially happy to have got a new job when I have already lost hope and when I thought I would have to stay here for a while longer. What will I miss? Hardly anything. Maybe I will... — read more 

| 3234 views | | 1 reply (October 13, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1cMRiXDa

Is anything changing for the better here?

I left a little over half a year ago and changed the industry. While it’s better than it was here, I didn’t make a good choice so I’m looking for a new job again. Has the situation at FMC changed for the better in the meantime or is this company... — read more 

| 2322 views | | no replies yet
Post ID: @OP+1cw6U6yY

Rising mediocrity

The more incompetent our superiors are, the more arrogant they are. The same applies to employees as well. It seems that it is not desirable to have knowledge and expertise, because mediocrities are respected the most here. Is there any room left... — read more 

| 2202 views | | 1 reply (March 12, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1cwf2Swf

Look Elsewhere

Just a word of advice from a former employee. If you are a young person looking for a career DO NOT consider TechnipFMC Stephenville. They will use you until they don’t need you anymore and throw you away like an empty McDonald’s happy meal box... — read more 

Engineering is not a commodity

This company treats engineering as a commodity. Outsourcing to cheap labor markets has destroyed the life blood of TechnipFMC. Senior engineers are being forced to train their counterparts (replacements) in “GECs”. The MBAs are in charge now. Now is... — read more 


He’s not even very personable. I guess his great email writing compensates for that. Definitely taking the company down though... — read more 

Things keep changing - and not for the better

Things have been deteriorating here for a while and people are noticing. It's been affecting productivity - it feels like no one cares anymore. There is zero motivation to do anything. I really didn't expect to see things shift so fast but they did... — read more 

Have access to Hou Biz Journal?

Curious what the rest of this article says. Maybe nothing more than the title? “TechnipFMC cut 2,000 employees in 2020 prior to spinoff”

| 2285 views | | 1 reply (March 16, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+19TkesGF

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