TechnipFMC has been going downhill since the merger and Doug Pfeiderhert was put in charge. The leadership at the top pay themselves outrageous salaries for poor results. They systematically forced out all the Technip people who knew what they were doing to place their buddies in positions they were incompetent for. This company could be a textbook case study of "The Peter Principal" - keep promoting until you reach your level of incompetence.
TechnipFMC has become totally WOKE - heard the expression - "Go WOKE Go Broke" - just a matter of time until they sell out to someone. Technip Energies was what was making the money - not Subsea!!! People and Culture is the biggest group of WOKE people I have ever seen - they will ultimately sink the company - they are nothing but a bunch of backstabbing WOKE people.
This company uses all the "Buzz" Words - Diversity, Inclusion, etc etc. Tonya Morris is African American and the most racist person in management that company has - if you are anything other than African American she harasses the person until they quit or get fired. Would be interesting how many reverse discrimination cases they have to defend because of her. Last year in less than a one month period two of the top three woman in the company quit - President Elect of Technip Energies took top job at company multiple times larger than TechnipFMC and the Vice President of Legal. A few months after that the CFO who had been there 35 years quit. Kind of makes you wonder how the high level woman of TechnipFMC are treated yet they are all about Diversity, Inclusion, etc.
Doug Pfeiderhert making $15 M is absolutely insane given the results of his leadership. Stock Price Opening on January 17, 2017 - date of merger was $26.71 - stock price now $5.87 - how on earth is this person still employed - he has led the destruction of stockholder equity of billions. Except for 2017 they have lost large amounts of money every year since and 2017 was subpar to say the least. Managements answer to everything is "cut headcounts" - in manufacturing you actually need people to make the product!!!
Lot of better run companies out there. If you work there now I would be looking for a job - plenty out there. If you are considering applying - DON'T. This companies days are numbered I think. Expect it to be sold - once they finish selling off Technip Energies shares they are most likely done as an independent company.