The Global Tool Solutions group began a round of layoffs on 1/26/22 and Engineered Fastening group began layoffs on 1/27/22. This appears to be affecting Manager and Director level individuals also based on the “Johnny no longer works with SBD” auto replies.
5 replies (most recent on top)
@1cdk+1f0SHTur if you have recordings of this immediately file a claim with the department of labor. You will make a lot of money if you were personally wronged and Black will feel the pain. evidence of race-based firing will destroy a company or at least result in a lot of greedy management losing their jobs. lawyers will take this case pro bono
Women and Minorities actively being promoted into senior management positions while layoffs are ongoing. This is consistent with most all promotions these past few years. If you are a white male good luck in this company (unless you are CEO/CFO) They are Woke, I am out. I hope Engineering institutions start graduating more women and minorities because they are not keeping pace with demand.
Why is this about race? My a-s is black and I got laid off. I'm highly qualified and can stand toe to toe to anyone in my LOB. This company is sh---y any way you spin it. They have old school management and bully bosses at all levels. They will roast you anyway they can to save their own tales. The only color here is GREEN as in bucks and how Stanley profited in a market that has been extremely good to them especially in a pandemic. Then the beginning of year, they eliminated jobs to continue to add to their bottom line. Folks let's stay focused, this is NOT about race.
Stay tuned, I may post the full lists. In the 2021 layoffs only Black and Latino work lives mattered. It was kept quite but first recorded on an internal call with the CRO and our HR team then. We have recorded many internal directives. Racist abounds: only Black work lives matter at Standley Black&Decker in 2022. Latinos joined Whites in the - White work lives don’t matter category. Maybe someone will notice if we post the recordings.
Jim Loree, Don Allan and their stooges cash in with major bonuses again after yet another round of outsourcing jobs to China between 2017-2021. Only White and Asian employees impacted; no Black employees were allowed at the explicit direction of James Jim Loree, Donald Don Allan and Lee McChesney in the layoff. Goal in their words: laying off white men and women will generate no social media hits! I am in New Britain in HQ and was actively involved in all conversations and planning. Young white men and women millennials and Generation X were hit hardest.