Thread regarding Citrix Systems Inc. layoffs

Vista sold Wrike to Citrix. Now buys at bargain rate?

Is any of this legal?
Who is getting paid? When? How?

| 1966 views | | 5 replies (last February 2, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1f5jiamN

5 replies (most recent on top)

Contact SEC. Some kind of collusion going on with $2.25B Wrike deal with Vista and now Vista/Elliott buying Citrix for $104/share. The buyout price is way too low for shareholders to accept.

Post ID: @1gtu+1f5jiamN

The fleecing of this company is nearly complete. Draw a warm bath and open all of her veins. Good bye, Citrix.

Post ID: @1szf+1f5jiamN

Henshall made out just fine.. He never has to work another day in his life.

Post ID: @ngu+1f5jiamN

Post ID: @nup+1f5jiamN

The entire sequence of events. Including Vista and the curious timing of the Henshall firing and way that was handled to further drive down the stock price needs a complete SEC investigation.

Post ID: @jer+1f5jiamN

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