Thread regarding SAS Institute layoffs

if you get a buyout or get laid off pls post here

include as much detail as you can, thx.

| 3617 views | | 4 replies (last April 26, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1fK58ba5

4 replies (most recent on top)

I left before layoffs became a reality. They are backfilling senior people with junior hires ONLY. They are doing this to save money, which won't be enough to save the IPO. Once they realize how far from the solid growth the company is, they will start slashing staff to make margins better for IPO.

Post ID: @Hzfq+1fK58ba5

So glad I left when I did and on my own terms. Sad to see a once great company in a rapidly accelerating decline.

Post ID: @aguq+1fK58ba5

Lots of people are resigning. If you are waiting and hoping for a buyout it is probably not coming.

Post ID: @azkt+1fK58ba5

Whatever happens, it wasn't your fault, regardless of how they try to blame or shame you. Please make peace with whatever happens and move on to other things.

Post ID: @1qir+1fK58ba5

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