Let's have a sincere discussion about this - how would you change this place?
36 replies (most recent on top)
When they go franchise they will get rid of many DMs and RDs, you should be safe at the store level unless you have been manipulating numbers and you don't know how to turn a profit the good ol fashion way, that will be all that matters $$$$. You all better clean it up.
Don't worry they're trying to franchise everything
RAC is trying to stay on top of the ever so changing world we now live in which I appreciate cause I need my job. We all think we know the anwsers to be successful but truth is its ever so changing. Rac has faults yes and we do rent to some shady folks but that what we do. I do agree the DE is not the anwser or if it is credit close must be adjusted maybe a 3.5% is not the anwser anymore. I have faith if we stay calm and set some realistic expectations which is NOT 40 sales 2x monthly events we can see more stability. Company needs to shave off a few expenses and not at the store level. RD could definitely use some down sixing as they have no effect in the field. Save some dollars and cut the RD position no need for RDs overseeing 6-8 DMs.
If they fire the RDs that cheat it may fix their problem of not knowing what the "real" number is and "they" wont have to fake the earnings reports anymore. Don't confuse cheating with good execution, there is 1 or 2 RDs that dont cheat. But the vast majority cheat and they are the ones that make policy.
I honestly think that we will see more lay offs and it will be RD this time. The RD role is unnecessary and a waste of money to forward reports the DMs and SM already recieve. Save some money and eliminate position of RD.
I agree Aarons is a better Company, they had a split some time back and have been beating rac to the punch on releasing earnings and reports. Rac drops on Aarons news because the street knows Aarons is better than rcii.
Post by lnrb predicted an earnings revision, Aarons just came clean about all its woes and now its rac's turn. Good luck investors and employees. Vp rd and dm will just keep doing the same thing with the same results, what's that called again??? You know...
Yeah, this job is a dead end don't get stuck.
The dm/rd/vps will be texting updates all day tomorrow while they are having a good time at home with their familes and everyone else is slaving away.
Would be nice if the dms would just text the store managers not blow up everyone's phones all day . Getting messages and texts before store hours and even after sometimes is very annoying.
This is the absolute worst job working at this company over-worked under-staffed and depressing going after the same people every week for a payment hearing people lie to you all day while you sit there trying to be respectful when you want to tell them off on their bull sh-t !
They will never go back, that is their motto plus not mention it would mean they were wrong and those 5 egos will not have that.
I work here also I hope they do make it . I need a job and they pay okay I know there are lots of other jobs out there .I do feel like they took a wrong direction I also feel they are irresponsible they have a obligation to the employees and stock holders .They are putting out bad sales one after another it seems quantity over quality. Rent a center was about helping good people that just had a rough patch and couldn't get it anywhere else now they have 18 year old coming into stores wanted a ps5 ,85 inch and skipping now let's all be honest here strapping a 18 year old with about 4 thousand dollars of mech don't ever ever see it go well they got it because if the damn decision engine approves anybody literally anybody there has got to be the human element in here like hey u make only thousand a month and your rent is 850 and your bill at rac is 90 a week do the math . Well I've been working here for about 2 years just shy of it and I've never been more stressed then this year that's making me question do I want to stay or not I kinda do everything in the store sales collections when needed seems it's impossible to get help that stays deliveries and collections super high turnover I don't think I actually in my almost 2 years worked with the same person more then maybe 2 months .The collections and delivery drivers really take a beating its almost a 100 sometimes hotter outside and these guys are always out on the road the store manager isn't very kind nor is the dm one guy complained about having heat stroke or something and he collapsed and they still wanted him to go back on the road to do more deliveries well he left never seem him again. As a female I went one 1 delivery with a bedroom to a third floor and their house was like over a hundred inside I asked not to do no more deliveries after just the one I couldn't even breath after that one alone .. These guys definitely get abused at this job for sure they should make it so the customer picks the stuff up or u least delivery to there home and just drop it off the end .. its honest way to much extra work sometimes your going right back when there first payment is due most can't pay . They will probably close my location down at the end of the year too many people are just not opening the door or not paying even returning credit opens on sat near a 60 auto pay doesn't work at all they only do that so they can get it into there home then the card is no good after that . I think a full all out verification is needed to get good people on rent and when your asked to get a bunch of sales for a event they sell to anyone even the other guy makes a bunch of fake ones up then returns them the day they are due or let's them ride to replace with a real one .
I am a employee for this place came across this site looking at something else about rac . Very interesting views about this place and all are very accurate. I am in sales and it's like pulling teeth to get people to rent and if they do half the time they steal the guy working the credit quit last week it has just spiraled out of control .The job is very stressful wouldn't recommend this company for employment to anyone personally.
Place is more depressing by the day.
If you want to be stressed all day no help chasing people for their accounts all day and unrealistic goals no time off with the family or no life whatsoever being yelled at all day sweating doing Deliveries then expected to do runs can't request time off at all this is the job for you !
The last comment is right on target, I had the same thing happen to me. Mine was an rd texting during my very diffcult time of a loved one passing. The new Company I work at always has my back, that makes me work extra hard for them even though I may make a little less on pay I like to show up for work. How much $$$$ is enjoying your job worth?
My dad passed away a month ago.During my bereavement actually it was while I am burying dm is calling me asking me when I am returning couldn't believe it that moment one I believe they don't care about their people one bit won't ever forget that moment . Your just a number here like a chopping block seen so many come and go in my 5 years with this company it's rather sad .Been actually applying else where need a company that's respectful and cares about people to some degree .
Perfect example, mitch says do whatever to get job done and so it rolls down hill, that means cheat without saying to cheat. Those that cheat will look good this week but how long can you manipulate it? Earnings season is here and rcii investors are the ones who will be cheated, guidance will have to be revised if all the comments on here are true. Scrap it and try to start over if you can.
Was just told to do whatever needs to be done to get credit down like mannnn I've been people just trying to steal at this point so he's said if I don't get them to pay today I'll get written up I was like okay see you later I am out this!@#$$% I don't need this job the alot are hiring don't need to hear this been threatening my job everyday for what bad decisions made by you and I have to clean it up you knew these people were going to steal but you said hey they were approved I look in the system it's got a name in there with a number like really we let this type of stuff go though no ref no app cuz it's a digital app send the text to phone they fill it out what a load of sh-t this is almost all these people have a name maybe a work number they don't work or haven't even been verified and a ref sometimes that's disco .
Can't treat the people who make your money like cr-p . Collections is the top tops problem remember you wanted 40 sales that week and this week and so on . Only see this getting worse . Approval process is disgusting then you expect staff to go fix your problem .Auto pay is a joke trying to push that trash in these hood stores ain't ever going to work ever ! You place most your spot literally in the ghetto ,next to a li---r store b-ms wonder in with shopping cart from the grocery store and they put the radio in there because they are approved seen it many times glad I quit this job a month ago .YOU KNOW WHAT I FEEL LIKE GREAT SLEEP IN SAT NO AS----E DM OR SM ASKING WHY PEOPLE AINT PAYING FEEL GREAT NOW THAT I LEFT THERE got a good job where I can actually take time off whenever I request it no time or time feels so good glad I left this place bet they will close down within a year !
I ain't going to write much but I have to agree with what everyone is saying. Credit is unbearable. They treat their own people like complete trash and expect results lol .I actually will say they have the absolute worst verification,approval process I've ever seen ..and to top it off you can't control peoples money I see heavy losses coming and I mean heavy good day to all !
They changed the hours to better the employees but told today still have to stay until 7 to clean the store what a freaking joke of a place this is take a hour lunch even makes no sense everything everyone says is true about this place .....
I absolutely hate this place the turn-over is incredible to the point were I am doing Deliveries by myself the bull dog (which is a dolly ) is my second person I am told so I am sweating like a mother ..... trying to haul a sofa up a 3rd floor by myself I am good with this job I'll be leaving soon they treat their people like straight animals sub human they talk to me. I am completely good with this place I'll be leaving very soon if I even return after today's bull sh-t .. oh all most forgot then I return they are like your credit is high I had no motivation to call that sh-t at all what a freaking Joke run by a bunch of clowns if u think u can straight slave someone and talk to them like dirt and these people don't pay for sh-t u can call ,text run their d-mb a-s they don't open the door they trying to steal they came in shady u knew it u rented to them now I got to collect the sh-t I even freaking heard one of them saying outside in their car they were going to sell the tv and told the store manager and guess what first payment poof they are gone their 27 days right now so now what I am held accountable for your bad sale your choice to rent to them you find them you track them down guess what you won't find them they don't want to be found told to call on a Google number sure okay they just hang up block the number like everyone does store phone everything .The store Manager should be held accountable at the end of the day his store he needs to sign off on that sh-t at the end of the day his problem not mines
Txt, conference calls morning noon and night. Always the same thing about set up. I don't understand, rac wants to be innovative but they still manage the same old way. They have all these press releases about customer experience, lol. Treat your coworkers with respect and in turn they will treat your customers with respect. I worked for rac years ago and they were big on RESPECT, what changed? I know what changed, do you?
This guy tells the truth it's exactly like this !!!!!
This company is absolutely Worthless. I got hired as a Credit Manager because the position needed to be filled & it’s honestly the worst decision I made. I’ve seen nearly 20 some people leave in my time being here. Seeing my fellow managers deal with getting called constantly for Conference Calls, Having no sales when nobody wants to buy anything (cos you already sold to everyone practically) & always being blown up about credit that never changes. It’s a nightmare! People don’t want to pay & there is nothing to change that. I’ve ran people, called them & texted multiple times throughout the day & nothing happens. This company expects you to just have a magic wand that will make it all happen. Then of course the constant saying of,”Did you set them up right?” Yes i did, but people can easily cancel credit cards & debit cards on auto pay, so they don’t have to pay. People can get approved way too easy, put very little down & steal merchandise like nothing. The company is very happy to see B-m customers come in & take merchandise but unhappy when they don’t pay for it afterwards. This company needs a better system, cos as far as I know this company is going downhill & Im jumping ship before I lose my sanity.
Dms, rd OR vp that txt are lazy and disrespectful, why hide behind a txt?
Yeah that's annoying I agree happens to me could be 7 am and I am getting texts raising me anxiety before I even get there going to work in a bad mood already way to start the day yay never in my life at all job someone texts all hours of the day like bro leave me alone call the store or something.
Re-train your dms they are usually always angry don't know how to talk to people swear at the employees texting employees off the clock or when we aren't even at work yet stop the texting it's harassing to me get about 40 texts a day so annoying makes me want to quit and fins a job that no one bothers you in . If you want to say something call the store or email it good enough......
Leadership, get rid of rds and vps that promote a poor work enviroment. It does not matter what kind of criteria you have for a person to rent, if you allow cheating to look good on paper nothing will change. Rto is a relationship business, what kind of relationship are you going to have with a bunch of angry disillusioned employees?
Get rid of that decision engine it's costs the stores alot back to old ways the thing will approve batman long as he has a real road listed I was looking in here at past posts some guy said it approved p-e wee herman that's wild to me .
The truth is going to hurt
They changed the store hours it's a start I guess 10-6 everyday .They don't sell to decent people load them up because they need 40 sales for the event then they take off or your picking it up first payment. That verification system needs to be done away with and back to old ways .Deliveries have some common sense doing 6 Deliveries a day is rushed and normally don't end well all the time . Let the employees request time off with or without time or if they just need a day off besides their normal day like a Sat they can request it off like every company does . I'll say it again stop selling to c r a c k h e a d s people who clearly are beyond helping and you can see that half the customers I deal with come in look sick ,shaking for there fix ,look shady and always want the biggest stuff and always skip and they expect these people to pay on-time or go on auto-pay thats a joke they change their cards ,lock it ,report it stolen do whatever not to pay its a constant struggle and chase its draining.
Start by changing the ceo and anyone that allows numbers to be manipulated.