Thread regarding Sungard Availability Services layoffs

MR Will Be Front & Center for hearing July 26th

Witness list has MR as witness 1 and all others appear to be unspecified at this time.

3:00 PM Central

The Debtors reserve the right to cross examine any other witnesses called by anyone else.

| 2767 views | | 16 replies (last July 30, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1hRL679j

16 replies (most recent on top)

@7iin+1hRL679j nope. Don't think those people hang around here.

Post ID: @7gff+1hRL679j

Has anyone been notified that they are eligible for a KERP payment if they stick around to turn out the lights?

Post ID: @7iin+1hRL679j

@6pgp+1hRL679j Yes, and guaranteed he'll outlast your department. Now take this brontosaurus burger and be quiet.

Post ID: @6agv+1hRL679j

I too was TUPEd over to Redcentric but I've handed in my notice as I have a much better job lined up. Can I cancel my notice in the hope of being made redundant? Might get a decent payout having been with Sungard for nearly 10 years.

Post ID: @6nco+1hRL679j

Is KR still with SunGard?!

Post ID: @6pgp+1hRL679j

"Red Centric already have teams like sales, finance, legal, HR, IT etc etc so the UK Sungard staff were let go."

Incorrect 102 People where TUPE'd over. I was one of them. However they are planning to make cuts to that in the next few weeks. I have had enough dealing with anything to do with Sungard, so I leaving in 2 weeks time.

ALL the LT should be taken outside and kick is the ar-e. Including that useless EMEA sales director CH..

Post ID: @6zkb+1hRL679j

Red Centric already have teams like sales, finance, legal, HR, IT etc etc so the UK Sungard staff were let go.

Post ID: @5fcc+1hRL679j

My understanding is that the UK data centres were sold off to Redcentric and the staff will possibly be tupe over to them.

Does anybody know what's become of the other staff, eg. Sales,Marketing, HR, Finance etc?

Post ID: @5tgb+1hRL679j

Yes the UK arm was sold for around £17M. LT wanted to buy it back, that is why they handed the administrators £10m to keep it going whilst in administration, they truly messed up!

So the hearing will be interesting!

Post ID: @2eyl+1hRL679j


Response something like: Well, it's a good precursor of what you should expect here in the US. Although not sure as many will be keeping their jobs. Get your resumes ready.

Post ID: @2xvr+1hRL679j

@1waw+1hRL679j I mean... it went pretty well. It's gone isn't it?

Post ID: @1adu+1hRL679j

Awesome, I can't wait to hear what is has to say.. So MR, do you think the sale of the UK arm went well? LOL.

Post ID: @1waw+1hRL679j

Meanwhile wall st firms and lawyers are profiting from Ch 11... Six figure fees every month.

Post ID: @1ceq+1hRL679j

What about we have work to do and blame it on staff

Post ID: @1zzb+1hRL679j

“Umm hey folks… the business is doing spectacular. We’ve got some new tape
Based recovery products that we’re excited about”. Don’t worry about the $1m drop in MRR each month.

  • MR
Post ID: @maj+1hRL679j

Great. I can't wait to hear his philosophies on child-rearing, recorded for posterity.

Post ID: @qau+1hRL679j

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