The acquisition of Sungard is the downfall of 11:11. Sungard was a worthless company as far back 2015. They debtors should have forced them into Chapter 7. The people who stayed at Sungard for 10+ years were there because no one else wanted to hire... — read more /11-11-systems
Moving to 11:11 and 365, bad move!?!?
Lots of Sungard people taking positions with 11:11 and 365 who bought piece parts of Sungard. I have seen this so many times in the past and history has a way of repeating itself. Those SG people took positions these companies already have people... — read more
When does the sign come down?
So, when is the official last day for Sungard Availability Services? Everyone is posting their new jobs 11:11 and 365. Good for the survivors. Even HG got a nice kushy title. So, when is Sungard no more?
Goodbye Sungard AS
I have spent most of my career with Sungard AS. Lots of ups and downs but what an amazing group of people I worked with over these many years. Even as we close facilities, the people impacted were as reliable as they always were and did everything... — read more
Was there a RIF on Fri?
Saw something that somebody was let go on Fri. Was there a rif, were others let go?
You'll be glad to know that while many are existing on the scraps left of SGAS, our friends at Jackson Walker LLP are getting increases in their hourly wages, some to the tune of over $1000 an hour. And you thought you were making decent money... — read more
SGAS dead in morgue... waiting for court approval
Once the court approves the sale of RS to the buyer, SGAS will be no more. From the morgue to the grave for burial... I am sad that this used to be a thriving org.. I was one of the original comdisco guys... R.I.P SGAS. Read more from the comm from... — read more
Can we hear one more message from Cortez or OPG…?
Now that SGAS has collapsed as forecasted, I want to know if it will rise from ashes or have they moved on to something new.
Cisco and NetApp Come For Their Money
Cisco and NetApp Come For Their Money Case 22-90018 Document 703 Filed in TXSB on 10/03/22
Well at least somebody made money in this fiasco
Sorry that you may have missed the croissant, magic/puppet show, and movie night in Bryant Park (or perhaps even my gfs "endowments"), but somebody has to make a profit off of train wrecks like this. Our good friends at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld... — read more
So, Sungard AS has been sold.
So apart from France and Ireland... Sungard AS is DEAD, no more, definitely deceased, this is an ex-company. kicked the bucket..
Alert Logic gets special mention in Sale Approval Court Doc
Case 22-90018 Document 654 Filed in TXSB on 09/13/22 Page 38 of 98
Did 11:11 sale happen yet?
I thought it was due to be approved on 13th. Did anything happen?
What happened to Sungard???
How does a company, the likes of Sungard, fail??? This was the de facto disaster recovery company!!! I worked at Sungard during the prosperous years. Retired nearly 10 years ago. Made a very good salary for a good number of years. When I was... — read more
Has anyone been told they are in the KERP? something shady seems to be brewing
It's really starting to look like they are using the KERP as a carrot so we don't leave, but no one really knows. I don't know why I am surprised, though. I wish we could tell the judge anonymously, that this is happening.
Sungard AS Sold to 11:11 Systems
Sale confirmed for September 13th, 2022 for Cloud Managed Services. Later Sungard AS
Workplace Recovery Deals in the USA
When was the last new Workplace Recovery deals sold in the USA? Excluding renewal deals from this thread….
Colo & Network being bought by 365 SG Operating Company LLC
Colo & Network being bought by 365 SG Operating Company LLC - 365 DataCenters Case 22-90018 Document 538 Filed in TXSB on 08/01/22
I just became less productive
I use Microsoft Teams on my phone and tablets a lot but that's blocked now so I can't do that anymore. I guess people just won't get replies now ¯_ (ツ)_/¯ I refuse to install the corporate spyware on my personal device to get my functionality... — read more
The Debtors Cancelled The Auction Sale...
The Debtors Cancelled The Auction Sale...with respect to colo, network, and workplace. The rest (sale of the remaining) is adjourned to a date yet to be determined. Case 22-90018 Document 532 Filed in TXSB on 07/29/22
MR Will Be Front & Center for hearing July 26th
Witness list has MR as witness 1 and all others appear to be unspecified at this time. 3:00 PM Central The Debtors reserve the right to cross examine any other witnesses called by anyone else.
Microsoft comes knocking for its money
Regarding Licensing Agreements Case 22-90018 Document 489 Filed in TXSB on 07/12/22 You can pay nearly a quarter million now (before 9/26), or well over a half a million later.
Was there an announcement expected onChapter11 today?
A lot of people have been asking on what decision has been made today which makes me wonder if there was any update on the Chapter11 proceedings? If anyone knows, kindly share.
401K funds under the Vanguard plan
Whether one decides to leave their 401k funds under the Vanguard plan that Sunguard has in place or not. My question is in light of the bankruptcy and financial instability are those funds protected since they are under the employee and/or former... — read more
KERP payments being increased to 35K avg
Due to rapidly increasing attrition rates "higher-ranking employees whose knowledge of the business and managerial skillset would be extraordinarily difficult and costly to replace at this point in the chapter 11 cases" Ya think? The number of... — read more
The Auction Sale has been moved to August 1st
If you're at Bryant Park on the 1st, they'll be a magic show in the park at the same time the action sale begins. Hopefully the 'magic show' going on in the office tower above the park doesn't make one's livelihood disappear!
Confused by Bankruptcy Notices
Hi there. Its been nearly 4 years since I left SunGard. I was a longtime employee prior. But I keep getting these court notices in the mail about their bankruptcy. Got another one yesterday. Not sure what they mean to me personally as an ex-employee... — read more
I received another "my last day" email
There seems to be less and less of those who think there is a future in this company?
Restructuring investment banker makes over $500k in two months
Docket 428 Docket 429
Are you included in the KERP?
Key Employee Retention Plan. About 4 mil divided between 121 employees (avg 30K) vesting in 2023. Also, consider what it means if you're not. See Docket 421, dated yesterday.
Want to know how much you're worth?
The deadline for setting the reserve price has come and gone and it determines at what price the powers that be are willing to sell the whole lot for, no second bidders necessary and they won't challenge it with a bid of their own. So how much are... — read more
RIP to all of these great products! ECS, S2D, R2C, MV4DD, etc. Bonus points if you can translate! Extra credit if you think of others!
Digital Realty Files Objection to Sungard Availability Services in Bankruptcy Court
Not sure the link will post here but you can find it on dgtl infra Interesting read on Digital Realty’s financial exposure to Sungard with potential sale looming merely days away and what that means for moneys owed to DR. Sungard-Availability-Services-Reviews
Post your comment on Glassdoor as well.. UK based site but bleeding funny the comments. You can call out the LT team even better on this platform. Good luck to... — read more
To The Valiant Few Remaining
To the valiant few remaining. Not so much to the hangers on, like deer in the headlights not knowing what to do. But to the bold, brave, knowing their potential fate, and still embark on a likely unrewarded task. Commend your efforts. You hold this... — read more
Just putting lipstick on a pig at this point?
Futile efforts with likely nothing to show for it in the end but a swift kick in the rear into the streets! Energies best served elsewhere.