I am starting a new thread here so we can all stay informed on our severance. I have a copy of the Verizon Severance Document and want to make sure it aligns with what HCL gives us. For example I already have 2 points of concern. When Verizon... — read more
Layoffs tomorrow
Pls post guys. And good luck.
Verizon Rebadged Team - Big Announcement Tomorrow
Management has informed us to expect a big announcement tomorrow from the HCL FMO (Future Mode of Operation) Team regarding our future. No further details were provided, but expect the worst.
Verizon Rebadge Layoff Next Week
My Manager and I were both told today in advance that we, along with many others, will be getting our 60 day notice on 8/23.
Re-badging to HCL soon - benefits question
I'm a US-based employee who "gets" to re-badge to HCL Tech soon. Been reading all of the comments and they're not hopeful. Any insight into US worker benefits once we move over?
Verizon UK Rebadged risk of redundancies
Just got off a U.K. all hands call with senior management. We were informed that as part of the VZ/HCL FMO, there is a risk of redundancies. I can’t say I’m shocked, as soon as the whole Verizon and HCL “partnership” was announced, I knew this would... — read more
Verizon Rebadged All Hands Call Today was a warning shot
So here is what I got out of the call (my director also held a meeting to clarify). We are 9 months in and the big re-org is coming. “Centers of Excellence” being opened in India and Philippines to take our jobs. We will be notified in the near... — read more
HCL Verizon rebadged - Short term Disability payouts
Has anyone being part of the Verizon move to HCL experienced short term disability 70% pay while on STD. They actually owe you 100% of pay for this and not 70%.. It's located in your term of employment to equal what Verizon was paying you. Been... — read more
HCL Layoff 600 employees on June 5th 2024
HCL Lay off 600 employees in entire India on June 5th 2024, all 600 folks got email on 4th June evening to come and meet in-person in office on 5th and they asked to resign voluntarily on the spot. HCL is literally doing unethical work policy they... — read more
Last week SF rebadgees.
Mar 1 id fri-yay. Anyone else going bye bye?
SF rebadge checkin
Hey folks, Just trying to get an idea how many of us are counting the days till the ripcord is pulled. I started my countdown this week. Whoo hoo!
offer letter at HCL BEWARE!!!
Fact: if you agree to be employed at HCL, please make sure you read your offer letter. They will pay you only 90% of what you ask for; then the other 10% is split into a 5-part bonus system, four 1/4s and one yearly. They will pay you based on 40 hr... — read more
Verizon coming Nov 1 - 5000 plus of us
Not sure if you’ve heard, but Verizon has sold 5000 of us to HCLTech. We are the Network Operations Team that handles Installation and Repair for the Business customers. HCL has agreed to match our salary and benefits if we sign an 1 year offer... — read more
State Farm
Do you truly believe the rumor is true that 70% of all former State Farm employees that now work for HCL will be gone the second or third week of March.
Major layoff process initiated, Benched support & maintenance folks will be let go in 4the quarter
Major layoff process initiated, Benched support & maintenance folks will be let go in 4the quarter. Benched folk being categorized as useful /useless and hard labelled for and marked for layoff from 01st Oct 2022. Target atlaest 10000 from testing... — read more
To hide windfall profits and avoid taxers HCL paid advance pay to employees
To hide windfall profits and avoid taxers HCL paid advance pay to employees only collect back in installments. Highly sophisticated scheme of transferring income tax liability onto employee, Employee loses in the form of higher band of incometax... — read more
HCL accused of wage theft, underpaying H-1B workers by at least $95m a year
Any Ex-Xerox Employees Left In Canada & US?
HCL fired all my Ex-Xerox support people that where in the US and Canada. Is there anyone left are are they all offshore? It’s sad what they did to really good people. If you’re on the chopping block, do not believe HCL will look for other... — read more
Is the Separation Agreement the reason no one comments? You are legally prevented from saying anything on an anonymous site?
HCL claims they don't layoff people
but they change you from salary based to hourly based. With zero billable hours, you can be a full-time employee with zero salary...
HCL Pay Cuts For All Or Just the Xerox Team?
I heard that the entire Xerox Team was hit with pretty big pay cuts. Is this going to happen for others @ HCL or is it just for the lucky few supporting Xerox! Did Xerox force HCL to do this or are they iust trying to profit from Covid-19?
Many layoffs from HCL- offshoring
Xerox, and a number of other companies use HCL to HIDE all their layoffs. Offshoring to people that just aren't cut out for the job. Stockholders probably have no idea, hidden in plain site. Nice to know offshore folks have their hours cut due to... — read more
It’s HCL’s turn to face a suit for alleged hiring bias in US
It’s HCL’s turn to face a suit for alleged hiring bias in US https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/ites/its-hcls-turn-to-face-a-suit-for-alleged-hiring-bias-in-us/articleshow/68729867.cms?from=mdr
HCL is following through with the offshoring of 6,000 employees
HCL is systematically and slowly following through with the offshoring and reducing full-time the 6000 employees that were part of the expanded strategic partnership with Xerox. C Vijayakumar President & CEO, HCL Technologies had to do damage control... — read more
Google Cloud
Google Cloud has joined forces with India-based IT services powerhouse HCL, which CEO Thomas Kurian says will make it a stronger player in the cloud where it is facing off with Amazon and Microsoft. HCL will set up a new business organization with... — read more
Does HCL USA give any early notice and severance when a employee is laid off?
What's the general layoff practice, and do they give any early notice and some severance?
Thanks HCL
Provided quick workaround to resolve production issue which resulted in not delaying flight test of 737-Max (delay in each flight test will cost very big amount for Boeing).
Has anyone at HCL heard about the Xerox Deal? Will XRX>HCL people be laid off soon?
Does anyone at HCL have any inside information about the USA Xerox deal starting 4/1/2019? They took 6000 people from Xerox and made us all sign agreements to be HCL employees. Wondering how quickly they will start firing the new employees?
Is it ok to join hcl
Hi, i just got an offer from hcl technologies as consultant in security domain at chennai. Pls let me know is it ok to join hcl or dxc.
layoff of non tamil employees in full swing
layoff of non tamil employees in full swing.