Thread regarding Oracle Corp. layoffs


Please reply with any news you have of CONFIRMED individual, team and org layoffs.

Please add business unit, how many people you KNOW are affected, location, and any known severance terms. Also if RSUs lost or kept.

If you were not affected but you have teammates who were, please post that here. For example if you are on a team of 8, and three people were impacted, please post number and function if it doesn’t give too much info away.

We want to track general numbers if possible.


| 42423 views | | 81 replies (last October 4, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1i0C4NsZ

81 replies (most recent on top)

cloud foundation services is one such usiness unit more of sh-t place and never should work there and stay away from it top management is clueless and doesnt give f***k about technical teams more dozen people have left or fired and no hiring no hike no appreciation nothing just sucking work place at oracle Stay away from this red tag and enjoy your life and work at some other better work place

Post ID: @12uvx+1i0C4NsZ

I'd guess 50% of the marketing team was laid off in high-cost countries like the US. That's over a thousand people from dozens of different departments. That includes lots of top talent, top perf. rating people. No idea what drove the decision making about who stays and who goes, but it wasn't talent (in many cases). Politics and money.

Post ID: @4cpp+1i0C4NsZ

"To HCM, your day will come to, WorkDay will do what Salesforce/servicenow has done to oracle CX."

It won't be for a long time. Technology-wise, we are easily keeping pace and even exceeding Workday in some areas. The Workday bias still exists, but every deal, both up-market and SMB is almost always down to us and Workday.

Post ID: @4gca+1i0C4NsZ

I know at least 1 case where a US employee with 5 years of service was let go over a brand new IDC hire.

Post ID: @4qka+1i0C4NsZ

“ Presales has only been hit in CX, HCM and ERP have been fine... at least from my knowledge. We expect it to stay that way.”

To HCM, your day will come to, WorkDay will do what Salesforce/servicenow has done to oracle CX.

I feel ERP is where oracle has done well, somehow not sure how they convinced customers to migrate on to a bloated fusion platform. If only ex oracle employees could get together, and build their own cloud erp? Hmm…

Post ID: @4pwe+1i0C4NsZ

Has the Infinity group in Portland been deeply affected? If so, which roles?

Post ID: @3zke+1i0C4NsZ

Stub to close SF Office; laying off workers!

Post ID: @3esv+1i0C4NsZ

Presales has only been hit in CX, HCM and ERP have been fine... at least from my knowledge. We expect it to stay that way.

Post ID: @3ngk+1i0C4NsZ

How is presales holding up?

Post ID: @3wyr+1i0C4NsZ

Any layoffs in Legal?

Post ID: @3drj+1i0C4NsZ

I’m a Director in Global Sales Operations and got laid off

Post ID: @3rkh+1i0C4NsZ

As a senior member who was part of the initial group from 2000 and being with them for 2 decades ,i can vouch and say Oracle sucks you out after taking all your talents and spits out as thou you are nothing..
But believe me guys who got laid off, your time is better and fairly confident none of you will ever repent on this lay off. All the best and stay stronger.. Oracle is made of employees like you and I and its a matter of time when other big employer assembles we can great bigger things than Oracle..

Post ID: @3vvi+1i0C4NsZ

99% of the Oracle Commerce engineering team, including SVP and higher in Cambridge were laid off. It’s looking like the remaining team in Belfast and IDC will be next.

Post ID: @2fci+1i0C4NsZ

Ans then, there is this thing called Karma.

Post ID: @2fgk+1i0C4NsZ

Most of the marketing positions that were hired a few years as Oracle brought paid media in-house (axed all agencies) have been laid off

Post ID: @2nel+1i0C4NsZ

Does anyone know the exact laid-off count? I am always amazed at how Upper Mgmt can be so blind to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The ones who should be RIF-ed are always safe and the ones who are left behind, sets the mediocrity standards. When you get a Toxic Manager, over-promoted VPs and EVPs (yes, there are a few of them), your life is he-l. When you are fresh hired, you get promised a lot of money and RSUs but what good are those RSUs when you are overworked and get a pink slip right before your vesting anniversary? Don't despair, there is life (and a vibrant life) after Oracle!

Post ID: @2big+1i0C4NsZ

So sad to hear about these layoffs at Oracle - Don't wish for anyone. But does this signal the end of big tech???

Post ID: @2suf+1i0C4NsZ

It's seems bad luck has happened to most companies that made a move to Texas from California.

Post ID: @2weq+1i0C4NsZ

This particular thread is ABSOLUTE GOLD.

Keep the details and submissions coming. Any intelligence about numbers numbers numbers is helpful. Let's get the word out about how heartless and soulless that Oracle is, despite how it likes to tout it is such a great workplace.

For all of those who have been laid off. My heart goes out to you, because of the disruption and uncertainly you must feel. It hurts to be rejected by a company you may have really enjoyed working at (or maybe not).

BUT, and many dozens of people here have attested to this over the past years -- whether you are laid off or leave voluntarily, YOU WILL GET A BETTER JOB THAT IS FAR MORE SATISFYING AND PAYS MUCH BETTER - SOMETIMES DOUBLE, OR MORE.

In six months, a year, two years -- you will look back and thank your lucky stars that you parted ways with Oracle, however you did so. Your life will be an order of magnitude better.

Nobody here who has left and is in a better place has anything positive to say about Oracle at all. Only derision, and sadness for both what the company has become, and for the people who run it. Customers hate Oracle. Why not work for a better company whose customers love the company. Why not work for a company that recognizes you for your contributions and talents, and rewards you appropriately for them, and not as a number on a Safra spreadsheet, that is a net cost and should be axed?

Trust me, really...your lives are about to be WAY BETTER.

Post ID: @1ekd+1i0C4NsZ

the once large and excellent oracle analyst relations team was reduced by one third, in line with marketing reductions overall. how the mighty have fallen.

Post ID: @1zxb+1i0C4NsZ

Don’t post names and personal identiers, that’s not allowed here.

Post ID: @1wbc+1i0C4NsZ

Is anyone aware of layoffs in Oracle's PR department? That group seems very very bloated and ripe for axing some of the sorority girls who work in it.

Post ID: @1tam+1i0C4NsZ

In January 2010, a month after Sun was acquired, Oracle laid off 1,000+ of us without batting an eye.

I remember at the town hall with Larry Ellison asking him if layoffs wee coming and he said none were planned as he stink-eyed me for interrupting his propaganda show.

I was out inside of three weeks.

Post ID: @1nmo+1i0C4NsZ

RIF in Marketing BI

Post ID: @1uet+1i0C4NsZ

I was in CX Marketing for 8 years - HR called yesterday afternoon at five minutes 'til 5 with the RIF news for me.

Post ID: @1yfs+1i0C4NsZ

ODPM in NA and JAPAC as well.

Post ID: @1dgt+1i0C4NsZ

Some people laid off stay 2 months in payroll where are some others just 15 days. why is this difference? Anyone know?

Post ID: @1cef+1i0C4NsZ

"Hearing CX cuts >50% staff under RT"
^^^ this is the important part . Yes, OSvC. It's been going on. Me too, many years "tenure". Most than mentioned here.

Post ID: @1brt+1i0C4NsZ

Hearing overall layoff numbers are pushing 10,000. That would roughly make sense if they want to save $1 billion overall.

Post ID: @1ajd+1i0C4NsZ

@axn, I dont know at which scale, but Cerner employees are also reporting layoffs today.

Post ID: @1fzm+1i0C4NsZ

My entire team of 5 got laid off except me😡

Post ID: @1cjw+1i0C4NsZ

Curious if anyone got relocated to Texas and then laid off.

Post ID: @1woq+1i0C4NsZ

3 minute call from my manager. Heartless. No emotion. Your position is eliminated. HR will send you the details. Bye. Wow - this is how Oracle values employees who work their bu-t off. Sad

Post ID: @1djz+1i0C4NsZ

Update: NA Talent Acquisition impacted both TA and sourcers. 4 weeks pay plus 1 week each year of service. 8/15 last day.

Post ID: @fbh+1i0C4NsZ

Yes, I was let go today as a member of Oracle’s fusion application dev team

Post ID: @txx+1i0C4NsZ

Confirming two in Oracle Analyst Relations got laid off in addition to a few others in recent weeks. Team leader was demoted and reports to head of corporate PR.

Post ID: @tun+1i0C4NsZ

Is there a count of how many people have been laid off yet? is it equal to the 20,000 new employees they are taking on from cerner?

Post ID: @axn+1i0C4NsZ

If anyone is an Azure Core Specialist I work at Microsoft and would love to speak with you

Post ID: @aat+1i0C4NsZ

Just found out 2 Analyst Relations got laid off.

Post ID: @tif+1i0C4NsZ

3 people including myself from CX Unity team got laid off. more calls coming in later in the day

Post ID: @nox+1i0C4NsZ

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