This particular thread is ABSOLUTE GOLD.
Keep the details and submissions coming. Any intelligence about numbers numbers numbers is helpful. Let's get the word out about how heartless and soulless that Oracle is, despite how it likes to tout it is such a great workplace.
For all of those who have been laid off. My heart goes out to you, because of the disruption and uncertainly you must feel. It hurts to be rejected by a company you may have really enjoyed working at (or maybe not).
BUT, and many dozens of people here have attested to this over the past years -- whether you are laid off or leave voluntarily, YOU WILL GET A BETTER JOB THAT IS FAR MORE SATISFYING AND PAYS MUCH BETTER - SOMETIMES DOUBLE, OR MORE.
In six months, a year, two years -- you will look back and thank your lucky stars that you parted ways with Oracle, however you did so. Your life will be an order of magnitude better.
Nobody here who has left and is in a better place has anything positive to say about Oracle at all. Only derision, and sadness for both what the company has become, and for the people who run it. Customers hate Oracle. Why not work for a better company whose customers love the company. Why not work for a company that recognizes you for your contributions and talents, and rewards you appropriately for them, and not as a number on a Safra spreadsheet, that is a net cost and should be axed?
Trust me, really...your lives are about to be WAY BETTER.