Hello All, I have been offered a level 7 engineering position and an offer today. I am not sure about the salary range for this position. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Also, I was told there is no bonus for this position which was very disappointing. No sign-on bonus as well:(. I guess I got a difficult recruiter
13 replies (most recent on top)
I have worked for this trail of companies for over 30 years. I am sure each location is a bit different, depending on the original company that was absorbed, but L3 Texas is a very good company to work for. People who don't work here, never worked here or did work here and now you don't: you either were a mediocre employee or you chose to leave. Or maybe laid off, because we do lay off occasionally. But either way, stop hating all over the place. Good employees are very hard to come by right now. And good jobs with good pay and benefits are also hard to find. So if you are a hard worker, and you know how to spell "employed" correctly, come see us. P. S.: No, I do not work in HR.
Isn't it ironic that the department most responsible for ethics is the most corrupt? The Clifton facility has gone through more human resources people than anyone can count. At least three in the last 12 months. And two of them told me they were instructed to log into job search websites like indeed and glass door and post five star reviews. Logging on from different computers as different people to "stuff the ballot box" to bury the bad reviews. Between those things and trolling sites like this it's no wonder no one of any substance wants to work at L3 harris. Ever since the merger this company hasn't been worth a damn. I hope the wisdom of the department of defense sees through this facade and stops awarding contracts to this terrible company. L3 Harris will be broken into small pieces and sold off in the not too distant future. The undisciplined employees that have been spending their paychecks like drunken sailors are in for a big surprise. Not only will you never replace the salary you collected from this dump, you're looking at eviction, foreclosure, repossessions and homelessness . If you think working at L3 Harris sucks now, just wait, the worst days of your lives haven't happened yet. Unless of course, you move back in with your parents and spend the rest of your adult life sleeping on your mother's sofa.
HR trolls are pathetic losers. But then again, they weren't hired for their brains. They were hired for their ethnicity. So, stupid is as stupid does. This company in its present form won't be able to fulfill it's contractual obligations and will probably be broken up and the pieces sold off. It's the best thing that could happen for our armed forces. Delete L3harris from your memory. They'll be gone soon enough
Another dolt from HR pretending to be a wide-eyed engineering grad.
These people cannot even organize a bake sale without help.
HR will march to the drumbeat of the woke band.
Dear HR, Hiring based on skin color is racist. How many European Americans even work at that place? Don't you have any pride?
This post says it all... "...fit the ethnic description so they bumped him..."
It's why this country is a mess.
People expect the government (taxpayers) to pick up the tab for everything. Millennials are whining that they shouldn't have to repay student loans? Seriously?! You signed for them, and supposedly received an education (although not in understanding what a contract is) and now it's somehow not your problem, it's mine and everyone else's, and the bill should not arrive in your mailbox each month? Get a grip.
I worked with an L5 who became an L7. Nice enough person but extremely unprofessional in a lot of respects and to put it bluntly, far from an expert in our field. However, they fit the ethnic description so they bumped him from a 5 to a 7 just like that. Dozens of other L6s were passed for this role up just because they didn't fit the ethnic description, in case you were wondering what kind of toxic garbage dump of a culture L3HARRIS represents. Keep in mind, the current CEO of L3HARRIS was ousted from Lockheed for embarrassing his family and the company, yet L3H felt he'd be right at home. Really says a lot about this company... But yeah about 180 seems to be the median to answer your question. Good luck!
It's another post from HR fishing to see what people say here.
C'mon, folks. See this for what it is.
Level 7 engineer and you can't answer these questions? Whatever they offered you is too much. Nice try HR id--t.
It’s for systems engineering at Florida
Avoid working for l3.
What type of Level 7 engineering job? In which location (north, south, east, west)? Doing what - hardware, software, testing, etc? Give some high level details and people will respond.