Thread regarding Mondelez International Inc. layoffs

Why do DM's sit at home all day?

These guys sit at home and avoid my phone calls all day. Whats the point of even having a DM.

| 558 views | | 4 replies (last 25 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jhjktyb8

4 replies (most recent on top)

Apparently!! 20 plus years in and that’s certainly what I’ve observed!

Post ID: @me+1jhjktyb8

That's how you get promoted at mondelez!!!

Post ID: @k8+1jhjktyb8

Ours sits at a bar because his wife threw him out of the house after he slept with all the 22 yr old rising stars! 😂 Sad reality!

Post ID: @g1+1jhjktyb8

Mondelez needs someone in place to yell at reps every once in while for something the ftows did or didn't do.

Post ID: @ah+1jhjktyb8

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