Thread regarding Mondelez International Inc. layoffs


How do your teams handle promotions! Company always says it open to all but most are always predetermined in my observations

| 695 views | | 11 replies (last 19 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jhrk2rj5

11 replies (most recent on top)

It’s been rigged for years. Promotions, for the majority, were based on diversity NOT credentials. An experiment in how to f it all up…and they did!

Post ID: @13d+1jhrk2rj5

DM's have their little clicks that they just tell and recommend as opposed to pushing more qualified candidates

Post ID: @yx+1jhrk2rj5

For anyone hoping to move up the ladder, pay attention!!! Everything here is exactly true! Young talent as they like to call it always takes priority, nepotism is rampant, and if your daddy is a big wig anywhere you are in! If you are a nobody, that works hard and does all that is asked and more….too dang bad! It’s beyond crazy! Not the trend in the working world now, people like to work for companies that respect their employees! Why ya never hear about Mondelez getting recognized for anything good, and never will! Nice job Dirk! Joke!

Post ID: @qg+1jhrk2rj5

Hey now, I was recently promoted after being an SA for a few months. Before that, I majored in communications at an elite regional state school where I was a treasurer in my sorority. It’s so hard being discriminated against constantly by workers in the cookie mines. So glad my dad is a vp.

Post ID: @pg+1jhrk2rj5

A degree to stock cookies and cr--kers 😄 🤣

Post ID: @j0+1jhrk2rj5

Don’t forget about having to have a college degree, even though most have been doing this for years and are qualified but get turned down for no degree

Post ID: @hf+1jhrk2rj5

All you have to do is be okay with being micromanaged, middle management don't want original thought. They just want a-s kissers.

Post ID: @fn+1jhrk2rj5

The best reps stay as reps. The best merchandisers stay as merchandisers.

Post ID: @d7+1jhrk2rj5

Absolutely RDR's just pick someone that will do all sh-t work,load up territory with backroom stock appear to be good with really looking at overall picture and they say they will interview candidates but never tell positions are open

Post ID: @cr+1jhrk2rj5

Haha! Promotions at Mondelez are NOT earned! Never have been! All pre determined and lots of factors! There was actually a time when RDR’s were given a bonus for hiring people of color because there were so few that worked at Mondelez. This was so wrong on so many levels! Why we had no people of color working at Mondelez? And then to bonus someone to hire a certain race or ethnicity? Wrong!!!! People should not be hired over others based on skin color, regardless of what color! And people should be promoted based on work performance. Period!! I’ve heard of the EEOC being involved with calls from Mondelez employees! Not surprised!

Post ID: @b0+1jhrk2rj5

I’m now retired but has been that way for a long time.

Post ID: @a5+1jhrk2rj5

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