Thread regarding Dell Inc. layoffs

Taking commissions away…..again.

Received a message that I dropped from 142% in FY25 q2 and now I’m credited for 102%. 2 quarters in a row they are taking commissions and not giving me an answer on why? 5th year going and this is a first…..and it’s happening again. Is this common??? This job…..

| 1626 views | | 10 replies (last 18 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jj36h3qp

10 replies (most recent on top)

"Lmao imagine being on a solid consistent salary and bi--hing about not getting a commission cut."

How much are you making base pay plus commission? If it's less than $70k per year I'll take back my comment.

Post ID: @qm+1jj36h3qp

This happened to me as well. After the quarter ended, they reviewed my quota and said my storage quota was too low so they unilaterally raised it after the fact. Withheld nearly $5k of my commission cheque that I never saw. Cheap b@stards.

Post ID: @jc+1jj36h3qp

you watch, next time they'll target you for that Extra revenue you never got paid for.

The hamster wheel continues

Post ID: @ea+1jj36h3qp

Yes. Very common. I was at Dell for 13+ years and this happened to me multiple times. The worst zinger was hitting 1,001% to my number (yes not a typo! Huge Sirius XM deal, biggest Red Hat deal in 3rd party Software history at the time) and I was capped out at 150%.

It is unfortunately written into the commission agreement we sign, really not knowing how it impacts the bottom dollar. But, you have to sign otherwise you won't get the role.

Post ID: @cy+1jj36h3qp

Lmao imagine being on a solid consistent salary and bi--hing about not getting a commission cut.

A more re--rded thing I've never heard today. Commission sellers dream of being on a 100% salary.

Post ID: @cs+1jj36h3qp

Log a call. They’ll give you the detail. Stop whinging and do something about it.

Post ID: @c6+1jj36h3qp

yet you stay

Post ID: @c3+1jj36h3qp

At least you get commissions. On more than one occasion I have convinced a customer that they need more disks, a new server or storage array or some other piece of equipment and sent them to their sales rep practically screeming "shut up and take my money." Never got so much as a thank you from the sales team.

Post ID: @ap+1jj36h3qp

They have not given me a name or the reasoning/order numbers yet… Strange timing…..well actually not at all. Thank you for sharing your input. Luckily job manager has no idea who handles this or offered up any assistance to dig in. Hopefully leaderslip gets docked also.

Post ID: @ah+1jj36h3qp

Did they nail you for a “windfall”? I’ve been hit with those a few times. I’ve also lost credit for things they later deemed I shouldn’t get credit for. There are never repercussions for the comp team, only those they have quotas are impacted.

Post ID: @ag+1jj36h3qp

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