And you have been in that position for 15 years then you are the problem. You should be fired, quit or resign. The company deserves better not an experiment in DEI!
6 replies (most recent on top)
I had an RMS years ago that told me their yearly review grades depended on how many diverse hires they had that year. Ironically, she was a diverse hire herself so not sure why she decided to share that inside info.
DEI promotions make up the majority of the company these days. Everyone knows it. The good Middle mgmt. leaks it to the field because they have a total dis taste for the way individuals are promoted unless they were one of the ones promoted based on DEI and everything is rosy. Leadership has been approving it for a long time. total d…arses! Drain the swamp!
So many unqualified leaders due to mandatory diversity. This type of thinking has come from our leadership and it has been in the making for a long time. Wonder why our stock is tanking? We have too many mgrs. without credentials. There is no respect or work ethic. The waters are toxic. DEI departments close at 5. Good riddance.
It’s like a sequel to “D-mb and d-mber”! Narcissism on so many levels, ultimately it has and will continue to destroy this company. Can only play the shell game so long, and it’s been too long!
It's the new young managers that are clueless imo.
It’s been like this for so long….makes you want to throw in the towel. Our leadership is pathetic with barely a work ethic. The brand name sells itself. You don’t need all these managers who do nada. Seriously.