Thread regarding Wells Fargo & Co. layoffs

Does your management provide you actual employee survey reports?

Mine does not. They seem to want to control the message. All they’ve shared is derivative / distilled results on a screen.

There’s probably a couple official reports that come out in pdf, for example maybe one with responses / response rates at various levels and YoY comparisons. There’s probably might be something with all that but also verbatims unedited.

Anyway it feels like hypocrisy— employees share into the survey and then the share back is token. Not very open.

| 491 views | | 10 replies (last 12 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jj7dar4n

10 replies (most recent on top)

The survey is a complete waste of time and only they used against employees. It never ever helps. The best way to send the ivory tower a message is to not do it at all.

Post ID: @px+1jj7dar4n

What I hated was the hypocritical non share share on teamworks with all the ridiculously joyous people photographed with a colorful background. We all work here and our reality is so far from that. It was insulting and made me so angry. We aren’t stupid and we aren’t naive children. Embrace some candor and be real about how much people hate working here. I will not be participating in any future surveys. They don’t care what I think really and will not make any meaningful changes-to the detriment of the business. You don’t care, I don’t care.

Post ID: @pw+1jj7dar4n

I think people want to make things better around here but are incapable of it

Post ID: @mk+1jj7dar4n

No. My manager has not even seen the results.

Post ID: @ga+1jj7dar4n

Nope, and I am glad they do not share the results.
Been therer done that, don't want it again.

Post ID: @e9+1jj7dar4n

I don't know if it's hypocrisy, but it's disingenuous. They say the intent is to make things better, but I think it's a measure to determine how much they need to make things worse.

Post ID: @aw+1jj7dar4n

We had a presentation or two with results.

Post ID: @ak+1jj7dar4n

Yes. Our group was hammered. Very low. Tech.

Post ID: @ab+1jj7dar4n

Nothing good ever comes from this. Ever.

Post ID: @a5+1jj7dar4n

yes, they shared multiple times and setup groups to work on action plans that never go anywhere, but at least they share and make us feel like we are being heard.

Post ID: @a4+1jj7dar4n

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