Thread regarding Wells Fargo & Co. layoffs


When was the last time you heard of someone being promoted without it being blatant nepotism or cronyism?

| 1074 views | | 10 replies (last 12 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jj8tka16

10 replies (most recent on top)

No one gets promoted. You have to apply. Then the nepotism starts.

Post ID: @jy+1jj8tka16

A few years ago I was promoted from a Business Systems Consultant 5 to 6-level. 17% pay bump mid-cycle! Why? Because I knew my sh!t inside and out and three ways from Sunday.

Post ID: @ja+1jj8tka16

Very limited in my department. There are three positions that all do the same job.

Very few people get promoted to that third (senior) role even with lots of tenure and being high performers.

Post ID: @cm+1jj8tka16

I've been promoted 3 times, passed over once while working towards one of the three. The issue now is that the executives actively work against internal candidates. You can hire a total clown external and no one will ever question it. Internals are always questioned.

Post ID: @bk+1jj8tka16

I've both received and given out many promotions over the years. The trick is that you need to fight for it. you can't just sit around quietly doing a good job and expect to get one. Start by having a conversation with your manager asking them what you need to do to get promoted and then start building your case. Have regular discussions with your manager about it. Once you get promoted, start over and ask what you need to do to get the next promotion. Good hard work is rewarded here but you have to be very proactive about it. One thing I wish we were better at is celebrating promotions, but then again we wouldn't want to hurt people's feelings.

Post ID: @bf+1jj8tka16

Most job postings the candidate is preselected (usually contractor converting to fulltime).

Post ID: @be+1jj8tka16

Last year.

Post ID: @bd+1jj8tka16

Happens all the time. People who are not bitter about being passed over see that.

Post ID: @b3+1jj8tka16

Last week

Post ID: @av+1jj8tka16

Or brought in from JPMorgan.

Post ID: @a1+1jj8tka16

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