Thread regarding Wells Fargo & Co. layoffs

BE's 2025 Tech Priorities-- lol

Video was put out by BE on 2025 priorities. Fair enough.

What made me lol was the comment on how we can be more efficient-- yeah, no sht. But then went on and mentioned Agile. Lady, Agile is NOT going to do jack sht about how inefficient we are. Our processes, standards, policies, "solution" are often purposely setup so you can't get things done efficiently.

Things that should take days often/normally take months. You don't get more efficient by keeping the same asinine processes, lack of information and people whose mentality is not about getting things done, but pontificating or process for the sake of process.

And beyond that, so many people think they have a say in something, but don't actually state what that is nor focus on what they're actually accountable to do.

| 1499 views | | 11 replies (last 12 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jj9safwn

11 replies (most recent on top)

For the amount of money BE is making, she needs a beauty consultant like TK had to ,as her looks.

Post ID: @eg+1jj9safwn

Please just repurpose or get rid of scrum masters. They make life so much harder than it has to be

Post ID: @ax+1jj9safwn

Agile the way we have it is for:

  1. Paper trail for the blame game
  2. Borderline useless jobs like Scrum Master
Post ID: @at+1jj9safwn

You can NOT do agile in a psychologically abusive organization. You first have to acknowledge your addiction to being abusive. Be transparent in your layoff procedures, RTO policy, Location strategy etc.
Another point is that agile is the means to getting technology done. Wells's problem is that it doesn't do enough product design. It doesn't listen to its customers to find out what their financial needs are. The "what" that is created is a hodgepodge of systems on different data silos, which is hopefully coordinated by complex ETL systems. A bully BEC manages each system. Agile isn't going to solve this technical debt -- only a revision of the system will. This is why this bank's management consultants, McKinsey , recommends that this bank rewires its systems. Google "mckinsey banking rewiring the enterprise"

Post ID: @ah+1jj9safwn

@ac+1jj9safwn Ya, she looked rather haggard frankly. Kinda low energy.

Post ID: @ag+1jj9safwn

She’s still an upgrade over TK (not to look at though, TK was better in that regard)

Post ID: @ac+1jj9safwn

Email went straight to the digital circular file.

I don't care what this executive group's goals are for 2025. My goal is to leave and let them deal with the fallout. All they did was ask for more work with less resources than we need to do the job. That's not efficiency, that's greedy malevolence.

I give no mind to people who treat others like that.

Post ID: @aa+1jj9safwn

Has anyone noticed how many business units in the US have women at the top? Now compare that with India.

Post ID: @a9+1jj9safwn

Curious to see most Scrum Masters are on contract. I don't think this will last much longer, too expensive and inefficient.

Post ID: @a8+1jj9safwn

Very uninspiring video, this is our leader? Image stuck in 2015? Everything she said were things we’ve been talking about for years. lol.

Post ID: @a7+1jj9safwn

I don't have a say in anyhthing.
That is crystal clear in my job. So, if they want to look like they are "collaborating" with their teams and check the box, so be it. I can look like I am engaged. Which I am not.

Post ID: @a3+1jj9safwn

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