Thread regarding Wells Fargo & Co. layoffs

Uhm uhm town hall uhm uhm

chime in here

| 3980 views | | 34 replies (last 11 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jj9wq0pw

34 replies (most recent on top)

Anti-DEI = commons sense approach to hiring the best and brightest employees, not by color of skin, religion, s-x, disability, etc.

Nobody in there right mind hires anybody who they think maybe can do the job, they hire people who can do the job. Go anywhere. That is the concrete expectation. Regardless of if they support DEI or not.
DEI is was just an excuse to satisfy the political winds that directed the bank to be a team player. Now those winds are changing and hopefully we can get back to the common sense approach to hiring the best, regardless of where you came from.

Post ID: @km+1jj9wq0pw

Charlie here - stop complaining about DEI.

Post ID: @kb+1jj9wq0pw

Anti-DEI = White Affirmative Action.

Post ID: @er+1jj9wq0pw

@c6+1jj9wq0pw Actually in the case of RTO and DEI, he is doing the opposite of Jamie.

Post ID: @ch+1jj9wq0pw

Charlie is just doing what Jamie tells him to do.

Post ID: @c6+1jj9wq0pw

Anyway we work for a bank. Money is the bottom line always. I don't think anyone who has the power to approve a hire really, truly cares about DEI beyond circumstances, appearances, and salary.

Except for the C suite grifters, it's only about who's your friend or who's cheapest.

Post ID: @c5+1jj9wq0pw


I'm the white guy who said DEI was the only legitimate way to question why it appears most hires in tech in US are of Indian descent.

My statement applies to any group. I used one instance which is apparent to me in my experience. I have multiple neuro-divergent, otherly-abled, non-traditional gender identifying individuals in my family. I wish for them all to have the same opportunities as I have.

I don't have any idea as to what the best way to accomplish that type of equal opportunity is. It's clear that most people have a natural bias towards hiring people like them, or what is familiar to them, or what is beautiful to them, or what is least disruptive to a team, etc There really should be some sort of check to that bias, to ensure otherwise qualified folks are not excluded from the process.

Post ID: @c4+1jj9wq0pw

"Regarding DEI: we need to keep diversity, unless you just want the bank to be a boys club like the 1960s. We need cultural diversity, we need people with disabilities to be included, we need minorities to have a chance to advance in their career. We need women and LGBT to also have a chance to climb the corporate ladder. If you are complaining about DEI, it means you are scared of the blue haired ADHD girl taking your big boy job."

I was mostly agreeing with you until that last sentence of being scared.
All of what you said will come with that person when they are hired, as the best candidate.
Hiring the best candidate has NOTHING to do with s-x, race, disabilities, etc.

Post ID: @bz+1jj9wq0pw

Anti-DEI = White Affirmative Action.

Post ID: @bt+1jj9wq0pw

@az+1jj9wq0pw The boys club that built this bank did just that. Built it. No one else could,have. They did. And the more we water down the talent pool, the more this bank will fall apart- just like the last administration did.

Post ID: @br+1jj9wq0pw


Can you articulate why "just hire the best person for the job" won't naturally result in representation from those groups you listed?

Post ID: @bq+1jj9wq0pw

Glad I didn’t waste my time…

Post ID: @b8+1jj9wq0pw


Ok, why is the DSRI team mainly made up of black people? Each getting paid about $200k?

Post ID: @b2+1jj9wq0pw

Regarding DEI: we need to keep diversity, unless you just want the bank to be a boys club like the 1960s. We need cultural diversity, we need people with disabilities to be included, we need minorities to have a chance to advance in their career. We need women and LGBT to also have a chance to climb the corporate ladder. If you are complaining about DEI, it means you are scared of the blue haired ADHD girl taking your big boy job.

Post ID: @az+1jj9wq0pw


Your racism and ignorance is showing .. DEI isn’t just about the color of one’s skin. It’s also about embracing those with social abilities that are different from the norm or someone autistic or disabled… it’s about believing that anyone can make a difference EVEN if they’re different.

What Charlie said was don’t get caught up on the buzz words of the day but we value and embrace diversity.

News flash: diversity is more than skin color

Post ID: @ax+1jj9wq0pw

"...once headcount is low enough that existing office space can hold it, he'll use a lowering of productivity excuse to pull everyone back in."

Thats exactly right. We are good for now, but until when?

Post ID: @am+1jj9wq0pw


I really don't care about DEI, and and in fact it was the only thing that allowed legitimately questioning why every f-ing hire in tech is of Indian descent. Really, Indians are the only best qualified people?

Post ID: @ak+1jj9wq0pw


DEI affects everyone personally. Opportunities are legion, go earn it. Doesn't matter what color you are. Everything but "hire the best person for the job" is offensive and doomed to fail. Do that and I don't care what the color of the people in the room is, because what they will look like is "highly capable people" and that's what we need. If all my peers and boss were one color, or one s-x, or one of any other demographic check box, I couldn't care less. I don't need to 'look like them'. I just want to work with good people. DEI isn't designed to achieve that. Quite the opposite actually.

Post ID: @aj+1jj9wq0pw

He did well by me. Sort of shut down DEI and doubled down on hybrid work.

Post ID: @ah+1jj9wq0pw

@ae+1jj9wq0pw So how is DEI affecting you personally? Does it sting to see people of color/women get opportunities only afforded to Yt men? Did you benefit from the "good ol boy" club of the past?

Post ID: @ag+1jj9wq0pw

@ac+1jj9wq0pw They keyword is PEOPLE....He didnt specify American People...

Post ID: @af+1jj9wq0pw

There it is the DEI question. The correct answer is that DEI is discrimination and it needs to DIE, what companies are doing is illegal plain and simple.

Post ID: @ae+1jj9wq0pw

If Schart "wants people to want to work here", why do they keep laying off Americans?

Post ID: @ac+1jj9wq0pw

Don't kid yourselves re: RTO....he said employees have to keep getting the work done and once headcount is low enough that existing office space can hold it, he'll use a lowering of productivity excuse to pull everyone back in.

Post ID: @ab+1jj9wq0pw

Just think, they spent money on that setting, and those fashion choices in order to appeal to the target audience.

Post ID: @aa+1jj9wq0pw

No five day RTO? Charlie thinks things are working well the way they are? Hybrid is a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE?… who is this guy? Don’t make me start to kind of like you, Chuckles.😂

Post ID: @a9+1jj9wq0pw

Glad I am making Chuck's job easy!

Post ID: @a7+1jj9wq0pw

Boots dude is hilarious looking.

Post ID: @a6+1jj9wq0pw

Pants go over boots. Ever heard of boot jeans?

Post ID: @a5+1jj9wq0pw

Watching the townhall, Barry is wearing boots..outside of his pants!!! He looks like a fool. You don't tuck your pants into your boots.

Post ID: @a4+1jj9wq0pw

Those white chairs are way too high, makes Charlie look like a manlet.

Post ID: @a3+1jj9wq0pw

Charlie get some work done? His face seems suprisingly smooth and taught.

Post ID: @a2+1jj9wq0pw

My last one….hopefully. Um…ummm.

Post ID: @a1+1jj9wq0pw

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