Thread regarding Wells Fargo & Co. layoffs

Jan 12 'SPOT Award'?

Anyone else in notice period receive a 'spot award' last night (1/23)?

Have a feeling I am receiving this and will be sc--wed out of my proper bonus, even though I worked nearly the entire year.

| 1098 views | | 4 replies (last 10 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jjctaj6p

4 replies (most recent on top)

Performance bonuses were decided in November and locked down in December by the mgr/dir/1st level executive. If you make under 75k, the Ops Committee is the one giving that special bonus which is the same for all full time employees in US. Thus, 2 totally different things.

Post ID: @na+1jjctaj6p

Does this reward have anythimg to do with our Year End Performance? My manager said yes, but he can be a bit scattered brain. If so what parts of thr year end is measured.

Post ID: @ed+1jjctaj6p

You should have gotten an email about this. Sent last week.

Post ID: @b0+1jjctaj6p

Yep. Was just looking at same thing. Turns out my salary was just below the cutoff. Thought I was just above it... Nice little extra.

I am trusting my old manager will not overlook me for bonus. I was also there nearly the full year. Earned it with efforts, including a couple of things that remaining team members are benefiting from today.

Post ID: @a2+1jjctaj6p

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