I have heard there are no layoffs in Feb
14 replies (most recent on top)
Notice next week, Mondayor Tuesday,, last day Friday. Get your personal photos and documents off your poster (no work products, it belongs to Dell). They have a procedure, don’t use a thumb drive.
Good luck.
When in feb?
They aren't called layoffs any more .... They have been renamed "Monday .... every week ... until we hit 80,000"
Next week won't be a blood bath ... just opening the arteries more than the past few weeks to hurry the process.
5 - 8% dependent on the team you are on.
God I hope there is, and that it’s finally my turn. I’ve been over working here for at least two years.
There literally always are!
50% of my team. Someone lied to you friend.
Defo no layoffs in April, it's Feb and August
1% each time and most teams not affected
Somebody lied to you lol - there are a lot of orgs so perhaps yours isn't impacted in February.
April is the next big one.
No one cares at this stageā¦
What % in your teams are getting cut ?
They are trying to hire ISR's in Dublin like crazy.Mind you people are leaving like crazy so no need for layoffs
There will be layoffs in Feb. Names have been submitted. Manager in Apjc.
I’m a manager in NA. Names have been submitted and dates have been booked for Feb.