Thread regarding Goldman Sachs layoffs

Time to look for a new job

All companies have layoffs but few do it as callously and uncaringly as Goldman Sachs just did. I have no intention to continue working here after what just happened. Not to mention, I'm all but certain that we'll be expected to pick up the work left behind by those who were cut. I will not be doing that, I am overworked as it is. Time to leave.

| 1892 views | | 4 replies (last January 26, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kJtov6W

4 replies (most recent on top)

Where do find out about your notice period? Do you know what it is for an engineer - VP level?

Post ID: @9igv+1kJtov6W

Clearly you do not understand that typically when you work for a company like Goldman you most likely have a required notice period where you need to inform them that you are leaving the firm, depending on your job title it can be 30, 60 or 90 days. You cannot start a new job during the notice period. You will continue to receive you pay and benefits during this timeframe.

Post ID: @9cye+1kJtov6W

Is there any truth to the rumor circulating online that the entire floor of Institutional Sales was just laid off yesterday?

Post ID: @1rhd+1kJtov6W

Please dont leave until you get another job. For maximum effect, dont give two weeks. Just say you are overworked and need to layoff, same day as your starting day, better yet, take a short vacation to start the other job then come to office on a tuesday and lay the bad news to them

Post ID: @uhd+1kJtov6W

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