Thread regarding GoDaddy Inc. layoffs

I'm hoping for layoffs

This was never the best place to work but it wasn't as bad as it is now either. I don't want to just quit amid all the tech layoffs, but if they decide to get rid of me and give me severance, I will not complain. This is not the same company I started working for ten years ago.

| 2101 views | | 3 replies (last February 11, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kTnlKiO

3 replies (most recent on top)

You got your wish. There were layoffs on 2/9.

Post ID: @fsvu+1kTnlKiO

You got your wish today

Post ID: @cowo+1kTnlKiO

Godaddy sucks big time. Weak managers who only manage up and are order takers. It's a tell on others environment everyone acts like children. My happiest day there was day I turned in my laptop.

Post ID: @5zyq+1kTnlKiO

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