Thread regarding Cisco Systems Inc. layoffs

Well that was a flop

Barely any AMs or SEs were layed off. They had us all worrying over nothing.

| 3777 views | | 11 replies (last January 31, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kWdo6Bu

11 replies (most recent on top)

I do not want to come across as being very mean but how many freaking managers does a place need? There were quite a few regional managers and other leadership folk who will let go that were adding no value at all.

Post ID: @1qbs+1kWdo6Bu

"Barely any AMs or SEs were layed off."? Really? You want me to post their CECs (2 AMs an 3 SEs) here so you can ask them on Teams?

Post ID: @1rcf+1kWdo6Bu

Isn't it exhausting to wake up every workday and worry, worry, worry; about both trying to make your projection, and also layoffs?

Isn't it super healthy to go over this same cycle, year after year?


Post ID: @1wkd+1kWdo6Bu

That is NOT true, a decent amount of heads were let go

Post ID: @lxr+1kWdo6Bu

The sales layoff process in EMEA and UK have just started. It will be weeks before people who gets laid off will know about their fate. Long painful process.

Post ID: @dxk+1kWdo6Bu

Out of no where, I got a meeting invite for later today that came out this morning. Wish me luck!

Post ID: @tae+1kWdo6Bu

Dude, it's only Monday. Get to Friday first. Then we can speak more.

Post ID: @ccs+1kWdo6Bu

Never expected much, they did say we would end the year with more or equal headcount so a major layoff was never on the table.

This site is just a troll wonderland, everyone loves a good troll after all. Come here for entertainment purposes only in the future.

Post ID: @gmb+1kWdo6Bu

It’s also clear they didn’t really need the extra time from 2/12 to make some master plan. They just cut a few heads in underperforming areas. They just wanted the extra sage slaves for H1 revenue.

Post ID: @xzx+1kWdo6Bu

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