Thread regarding L3Harris Technologies layoffs

L3Harris to buy Aerojet Rocketdyne

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| 2921 views | | 3 replies (last January 4, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kesjiVK

3 replies (most recent on top)

Space and airborne systems in Clifton has been the latest Canary in the coal mine. Middle management and even upper leadership people are leaving literally every week. At the beginning of the new year, another manager resigned. There were four managers, then there were three, then there were two, and then there was one. Now we have none. This is how bad it is getting. Two senior production planners left before the end of the year two more are leaving the end of next month. We are bleeding talent so fast the company literally does not have anyone doing vital jobs. I have had eight managers in 2 years. We have gone through three human resources representatives in less than 2 years, and supervisors leave literally weeks after getting the job. The only benefit this company has provided to anyone has been the ripe low-hanging fruit for our competitors to pick whenever they need talented people. The company has become cheap, and woke. They have placed profits over people, and quotas over quality. D-mbing down the jobs, and d-mbing down the new hires too. I, like so many of my colleagues, will be leaving the end of this month. Good riddance. They won't have to lay anybody off, the place will be empty of human beings in a couple of years anyway. If you're reading this, and considering applying for a job there, don't waste your time. And, if you're a shareholder, dump that stock right now. Cut your losses while you can. I was happy to give my heart and soul to accompany that provided such a vital service to the most important people on earth. Our men and women of the armed forces. But now, I wouldn't give this company the sweat off my ba--s.

Post ID: @ibpo+1kesjiVK

Someone needs to stop this. L3Harris should never touch bleeding edge tech. They don't deserve it. They have consistently proven themselves to no longer be a company that fosters inspiration and innovation. It is a company that mass-produces for the rear echelon at best. They claim to provide tech that will surpass China, but L3Harris also treats their employees the closest to the the communists. Underpaid and healthcare that might as well not exist. No room for vision. Just mindless cogs. It is clear the employees have no value to the company, particularly at CSW. Only the shareholder matters, and their pay comes straight from employees backs.

Post ID: @hucy+1kesjiVK

We “were” a telecommunications company, but now we are a holding company. L3 was financed by Lehman Bros (that’s one of the Ls, the other 2 were employees from Lockheed) Free cash flow is king which L3 gets by tightening the belt internally (external world have no idea the effect on employees). Then they use that to buy IP instead (less risk of an idea not working, they are buying IRAD) of developing internally. Capitalism at its worst hour folks … say bye to innovation and ingenuity, it’s quickly decelerating

Post ID: @4qru+1kesjiVK

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