CFO: Hey big guy, and I mean that literally, why can’t we keep any of our HR VPs?
CEO: Well when we hire them we tell them how diverse and accepting CVE is and that we’re a modern progressive flexible company. After awhile they realize we’re just here to be a P50 type company run by a bunch of old white guys that want the employees to stop their whining and do what they’re told.
CFO: So what do we do?
CEO : I know, let’s hire a middle aged white guy to run HR, get him to run a survey to pretend we care, then just to really have fun reduce bonuses and LTIs. And to top it all off let’s ask them to work nonstop and take away their vacation options to help encourage them.
CFO: we could also reduce the work from home flexibility!!
CEO: There you go buddy, now you’re getting it!