Yet we’re having a massive celebration for net debt
Score card rigged?
Does anyone else feel like our executive is rigging our score card to reduce employee bonuses? Second year in a row Cenovus will make billions while our bonuses get hit again. Meanwhile our stock is dropping like a rock and none of our top guys are... — read more
Hello from CNRL
Your company su-ks! Look at that stock return!. How do you do it year over year and get paid?
Production Engineering
Can someone explain to me why they added another level of managers? These new managers only have 3-4 direct reports. How is it someone with 8 years experience is able to get one of these jobs. If I was a Sr. or Staff who applied and didn’t get it I... — read more
Downstream Supply Chain Restructure
What’s happening in the supply chain department? 2 managers let go recently, high turnover by staff, insanely low morale. Why is the downstream/lloyd team being replaced?
Refineries are useless
When is John going to realize that the refineries are all useless and huge liability and no profit seems he doesn’t know how to run a business.
Fall restructure
Did you all hear about restructure that is in discussion? Especially within natural gas and technical services AD..
Glad to be gone
What’s the part you miss the least of ole Cenovus
Bye bye
Goodbye to our fearful leader DZ. Hopefully the next one doesn’t spend their entire townhall discussing everything but the area they are managing. Good riddance. (Oh and no one gives a f about Oilers)
Drayton Valley office
Any news with what’s happening with Eckville staff with the move to Drayton Valley?
Should we expect changes in IT?
With the accountant gone, should we expect changes? What would you change?
Ongoing reorgs
In true Cenovus style the solution to employee burnout is to hire more managers. Well done Cenovus, well done.
You gotta love how greasy our management is. Handing out retention bonuses to certain facilities in the Lloyd thermal group. Talk about creating division. Sadly the reason people are leaving is because of the culture, not the money. But yeah, here... — read more
Interview - help
Folks - i know this is a layoff site, but i have an interview with Cenovus and was wondering if i can get some pointers on what company values, how to stand out among other applicants, any insider tips to crack this interview? Analyst position Much... — read more
The Workplace Psychological Safety Act (Bullying)
The Workplace Psychological Safety Act (Bullying) is moving forward in Rhode Island, which has a good chance of becoming the first state to pass a law against workplace bullying. Your help is needed to push things forward. There is strength in... — read more
Good news everyone : More VPs!!
Sweet news for us all. Our executive is back in business promoting their own and fattening CVE up with more top heavy salaries via even more VPs and directors. I mean that’s exactly what I thought we needed to really improve morale. More upper... — read more
SAP team approaching 200 bodies
Sounds like the team of “IT Specialists” and “Analysts” for the SAP S/4 HANA version is approaching 200 staff, with ongoing hiring! All making healthy 6-figure salaries I’m sure! Imagine what we could do with another team of 200 Subsurface... — read more
Awards after awards and mass hiring, flash is strategy
Everyday someone at CVE is winning a phony award, and is flashing the pages of LinkedIn, and looks like we’re hiring for phony PR like positions in spades. Either - a) we’re like knocking it out of the park more so than any peer because no other... — read more
Pay for Performance?
CVE market cap @ Dec 31, 2022 - $51.26B CVE market cap @ Dec 31, 2023 - $41.85B, decrease of 18.35% JM 2023 compensation $8.7M AP 2023 compensation $8.1M - Total of $16.8M for president and chair JH 2023 compensation, demoted CFO $2.8M DZ 2023... — read more
Executive Promotions
Isn’t it just awesome seeing all these executives get promoted and shuffled around? I mean at least they get to move ahead and let’s just be honest, as long as the top folks are looked after this place will always improve. No wonder employee morale... — read more
CDO finally self implodes (like we knew it would) and DM is gone
just amazed it took so long for someone to finally do something about the CDO.... now IT has to clean up their mess..... I wonder how many layoffs this will result in?
Our executive..
I still love where they said at the Husky acquisition that no one was getting retention bonuses. Until someone read the deal and it showed the executives walking away with $30 million in retention bonuses. Oops.
Anyone want to bet on the bonus and PSU final scores?
Let’s have some fun before we are all disappointed. Jon is no people person and he cares more for the bottom line than he does employees. I say a 70% bonus target and a 1.0 PSU. The only good thing is the VPs are 100% corporate score so it hits... — read more
Enbridge Layoffs
Are we next?
When does the accountability start at the top?
I’m wondering when our executive starts taking accountability for our bad share performance. Maybe they should be taking home less pay until our share price improves. Let’s see them walk the talk and agree to put their bonuses on the line instead of... — read more
National Bank Notes Discussions Around M&A, Potential Of Suncor-Cenovus Combination
This is from: Any good news out of this?
Fallout From January 23
I was let go Tuesday. After 14 years with Cenovus. Most recently Deep Basin.
$20 per share. $19 soon?
Looking at the CVE one year stock chart, why does it look like HSE’s old stock chart pre-merger? !? Compared to CNQ and even SU, we are very low. It looks like we just trade equal to WTI price with no premium for strong leadership, goodwill... — read more
Morale at an all time low!!!
Employee Morale is in the tank. Calgary doesn't see how badly they are doing. They ask you how can we do better but everyone is scared to say anything due to negative repercussions. Record profits yet bad scorecard we all know what that means.
Reason #2 why Jon should go
Has anyone else connected our stock price to when Jon started as top guy? Alex left and the stock was at $28. Jon has it down to $20. Maybe we should start a letter writing campaign to bring Alex back.
Year End Review for CVE Exec. Needs Improvement
How could anyone rating our executive not give them all a needs improvement rating? Our stock is tanking, staff morale is still in the gutter, and they have done nothing to address bullying within the company. None of them should get anything above... — read more
Why Jon is a bad boss
So it’s going to be -30 and something like -40 with the windchill over the next few days. We shut the rigs down and pretty much all field work. You think they would give us the option to work from home when it’s freaking arctic temperatures but not... — read more
Bonuses Going to Su-k
So we didn’t meet the targets set up by the mgmt and as a result we all get less of a bonus. Maybe 80 - 70% if we’re lucky. Then they tell us maybe you can make it up on our personal side but they didn’t give the teams enough bonus money to actually... — read more
South Clearwater sale???????
Been alot of water cooler discussions lately about a sale of some of the Clearwater assets. Does anyone know anything about it?
WTI is reaching staff layoff levels
Has anyone heard of more layoffs on the horizon lately with the decline of WTI. Suncor just finished so I suspect we are next.
Making more big moves?
Making even more moves?
Operations Staff Say Something
What is the deal with Husky led IT?
IT has been a garbage fire since it was infiltrated by unqualified and incompetent Husky staff! Truly mind boggling! Network issues, programs that constantly crash, constantly backing up networks and license server breaks that require inefficient and... — read more