Now that Citi has dropped the jab mandate, are any of the people who were fired for refusing to get it, being hired back? Suing the company?
5 replies (most recent on top)
Yes, lawsuits will be for instituting a temporary policy to reduce staff without paying severance. Their whole reason for the policy had no backing. The fired employees need to find something in common for the people who were let go. Were they long-tenured, were they older individuals, were they mostly male? The question will be, will Citi offer to hire back, with back pay as a compromise?
I bs’ed and used a religion exemption and got it approved, but hr said that I couldn’t go back into the office (oh darn) but left a few weeks later because of usual boot licking politics and lack of appreciation. Ill go back but probably not in the same department…
Oh I sure do pal. SOEID, GEID, GOC, all that good stuff. Post yours and I'll post mine.
Troll alert, OP person doesn't work here nor ever did, just trying to stir the pot. Just downvote.
Good question