Thread regarding Citigroup Inc. / Citibank / Citi layoffs

CIti seems like a sad place....full of trolls

Trolls have no life and belong under the bridge. They made a new D & D movie for you to watch

| 1667 views | | 12 replies (last May 15, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1lZbBdzO

12 replies (most recent on top)

I was there almost 32 years before being laid off in Jan. I saved my $ throughout years Enough to retire before retirement age. When i was let go I smiled and said thanks for severance and it was nice working with u. I was happy to be let go. I know my manager was shocked at my reaction as afterwards she kept asking ppl if I was okay. I took away her power when she didn’t get reaction she wanted

Post ID: @Ehfx+1lZbBdzO

25 years? Is that even possible with all the layoffs over the years?

Post ID: @Bchd+1lZbBdzO

You can be anything you want on this forum. 25 yr old in one post, 57 in another.
Most likely this will be removed as it doesn’t not fit into someone’s judgmental narrative.

Post ID: @zufe+1lZbBdzO

Its those people who are 45ish years old or older. They’ve been at Citi for 25+ years they hate younger people and hate fresh ideas. They hate their lives. They hate anything that challenges their comfort. These people don’t have degrees they look down on those that do mainly because they are intimidated and feel inadequate. Most of these people will be outnumbered soon and some will retire very soon. I believe once they are gone Citi will be better than it is now. Before anyone says Im a millennial I am not. I am 57 years old and hear the conversations these older employees have about the younger staff. Its nasty and I am hoping these old and tired people who hate themselves so much don’t run out the younger generation as we need them to succeed.

Post ID: @zdge+1lZbBdzO

its hard being the batman of citi, so many angry trolls trying to get out from under the bridge

Post ID: @5vln+1lZbBdzO

Sure I'm going to help you but what is your grade level ?

Post ID: @5vbz+1lZbBdzO

Go watch the new Mario movie?
Go watch news on the Mario movie?
You’re not being too clear. Please clarify.

Post ID: @4sjz+1lZbBdzO

If I have to translate then you are to inexperienced for this board,go watch the news Mario movie

Post ID: @4sth+1lZbBdzO

Citi is full of trolls glad i didnt waste 30 years of my career at Citi

Post ID: @4scl+1lZbBdzO

Citi is like a charity bank - they hire people with no skills and those ingrates come on here and complain about pay

Post ID: @1ebh+1lZbBdzO

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