Thread regarding Citigroup Inc. / Citibank / Citi layoffs

Burned out

That’s all. That’s the message. Not sure why I’m venting here. It’s the internet. But I feel lost and overwhelmed. Been at citi for 14 years. But now is particularly tough. I’m overworked but I put stuff off, drop the ball on items, not interested in work, and less invested in my career.

| 1614 views | | 8 replies (last March 12, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1lvJRfw0

8 replies (most recent on top)

Pressure won’t get any better. The impending recession will be used as a tool to make you take on more and more and more work with tighter and tighter deadlines. You’ll hear the implied “do it or else”. You’ll hear the all famous “times are tough and there are tons of people willing to take your place”. In other words, what you are feeling will not get better anytime soon. You are left with two choices only. 1.) Endure and weather the storm. This can be the hardest to do. If you go this route, then resolve yourself with that this will not change for the foreseeable future. 2.) take matters into your own hands. Try a lateral move somewhere else or seek employment with another company.

Don’t make any rash decisions. Take some time off, reflect and do some soul searching. Pick a path to go down.

Post ID: @1exy+1lvJRfw0

Don't blame you. I had a rough year last year, and new me is doing the minimum I can get away with. Management is non-existent and insecure, especially H1b backgrouns. I feel like a body count. Too much politics and too many games. 🙄

Post ID: @1ixq+1lvJRfw0

Brother, if you don’t like your world, then change your world. You’d be amazed what you can get used to, including torture. I think this post rings true:

Take some time off if you can and do some reflection.

Post ID: @ljh+1lvJRfw0

Thanks for your support all. Unfortunately my last role was also 1 year. My current role that I’m burned out in has been only 1 year so far. Don’t know if I can move again internally

Post ID: @ncp+1lvJRfw0

Can you afford to take a sabbatical? If not, at least a decent vacation?

Then it’s time to switch roles. Apply internally for something different. That’s what I did when I was feeling like you,

Post ID: @niz+1lvJRfw0

OP here

I don’t know if it’s “me” or citi in fairness. Meetings back to back, no time to decompress

Post ID: @ddv+1lvJRfw0

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