Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

How to be happy at EM

In order to be happy in EM it is required to either

  1. be a Hi-Po. Once a hi-po, always a hi-po, regardless of how many times a hi-po fk-ups or what a hi-po says or does, he/she will be always ranked at the top, get top raises, and paid way above what they could ever make anywhere else, and since Hi-Pos are greedy materialistic hubris driven snakes, money keeps them happy.
  1. not giving an absolute fk about anything. People that master the art of extreme cynicism, absolute disengagement and quiet quitting tend to be happy too. It only takes for this people a bit of diplomacy, patience and smiles to convince their clue-less supervisors that they fit in, and they thus manage to stay ranked in the middle of the pack with minimal effort.

If you are not in any of these two categories then you are feeling miserable and hate EM with all your soul.

Either find a way to become 1 or 2 or GET THE FK OUT OF THIS H3LL.

| 2303 views | | 9 replies (last May 24, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mGBQK7j

9 replies (most recent on top)

So apparently I’m deemed a Hi-Po and I’m perfectly content and happy with my role, career outlook and EM as a whole. Guess I’m a rare gem? Or are most of these comments AI generated comments? Oh, and I lean more conservative on most topics.

Post ID: @6cdj+1mGBQK7j

Telling the truth about all the lies that EM es spreading worldwide.

Post ID: @3nbc+1mGBQK7j

The best way to be happy at EM is to leave it.

This is the easiest solution to the problem of being unhappy with working there.

If you don’t have the option to leave, stop complaining; you’ve done the best that you can do.

Post ID: @1nux+1mGBQK7j

Option #4.

Be blind to what's happening around you. Be blind to the fact that your friends and Chevron and Shell make way more, have better benefits and are happy. Be blind to the fact that Electric Vehicles are growing exponentially. Be blind to the fact that you are being replaced by cheap labor in India/Asia. Be blind to the fact that the war in Ukraine will be over eventually and oil prices will plummet. Be blind to AI and how it will render your manual repetitive commodity labor obsolete in a few years. Be blind that you have no career whatsoever in EM and that you are building no marketable skills that prepare you for when it is time for you to be PIPed. Be blind and believe naively that your ranking depends on your work output.

Blind naive types tend to be happy too. There are a lot of those in EM

Post ID: @dze+1mGBQK7j

@kvm - no sh!t, Sherlock. The managers we have now are the yes-men (and whatever else) 10-20 years ago.

Post ID: @yzd+1mGBQK7j

Not all hi-pos make it for the long run. There is some anxiety to being a hi-po.

@pje - What package are you referring to? The cr-ppy PIL chump change? Let them keep it and move on ASAP.

Post ID: @aav+1mGBQK7j

Only #2.

I don’t see hi-pos as happy. I think they are just paid enough to refrain from voicing their complaints. (Which raises the questions of whom we are putting in these hi-po positions. Anyone who is quietly complying while internally disagreeing may not be the type of leader we want in 10-20 years. It takes integrity and courage to speak up.)

Post ID: @kvm+1mGBQK7j

Work to rule...wait for package.

Don't be a hero. Don't work OT. Don't pick up phone calls after hours. Document all conversation with management / work communication.

Post ID: @pje+1mGBQK7j

@OP Easy fix: quit.

I have no idea why this is so hard to grasp for so many of you.

Post ID: @ymb+1mGBQK7j

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