Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

Manager is Gaslighting our whole team? What to do about it?

Manager uses manipulative techniques loke lying, misremembering, writing 20 emails a day asking for useless things, shouting at people in team meetings and covering up for own problems.

Any past experience where HR has helped? Or escalating to their manager/VP has helped?

| 2322 views | | 18 replies (last October 5)
Post ID: @OP+1mO9rpEg

18 replies (most recent on top)

There are a few of these in all EM organisations! Exxon seems to promote and breed them. Start looking for a job

Post ID: @28ocz+1mO9rpEg

The real gaslighter is you. Your gaslighting yourself to stay at Exxon.

Post ID: @28qdw+1mO9rpEg

Expectation is that you grin and bear it. Anything else is career limiting. HR only protects company from lawsuits. They aren’t there to help you in any way.

Post ID: @27ztx+1mO9rpEg

Go to legal dept. not HR. HR is there to fu-k you .

Post ID: @3ubj+1mO9rpEg

In countries where there are decent labour laws and staff representation structures best option is to go see someone of the Work Council and file a complaint via them. HR, in 99% of the cases will simply try to cover the problem up. First hand experience, as myself a staff representative.

Post ID: @1rww+1mO9rpEg

Best to leave BRCP via transfer to another department or go to work somewhere else. We have a woman that fits the description really close.

Post ID: @1fwc+1mO9rpEg

HR is there to ensure the company wins lawsuits they do not care about you they are not there for you. Open a ticket at the BTC, and get someone who has no care whether a problem was actually fixed they just want that ticket closed to meet your metrics. When you insist on racing to the bottom eventually you will find it both in morale, service and quality. Unfortunately by that point quality employees have left and you have permanently hurt your long term success and future.

Post ID: @1qkj+1mO9rpEg

Always remember the experiments from your college psychology textbook. It explains the most recent behaviors of our managers.

Mice become aggressive when there is less food and water because aggression is a natural behavior related to territories and the resources they contain. Resources could include food, a water source, or access to breeding females. The spatial and temporal distributions of these resources strongly influence the development of territoriality even within the same species.

In addition, an overcrowded cage can be one of the leading reasons for mice fights. If the tank is overcrowded, it’s only natural to see more fights in the cage, especially between the male members.

Post ID: @1fgx+1mO9rpEg

Sorry OP, what did you expect? A manager in the mould of DW, treating people with respect and adding value each day?

Post ID: @1mke+1mO9rpEg

HR = Hardly Responsible is

Recalled that I reported harassment to HR. They made some temporary fix but try to cover it up. A few years past and company put me in the same situation to have to work with the perpetrator. I had to be careful not be left alone with the creep.

They do nothing about toxic manager. I spoke up and the response from manager and yes men was to execute whatever the id--t he dreams up. Being a POS is not enough to get one fired unfortunately.

So I got fed up with the harassment’s, the mental abuse, and the yelling. I submitted my resignation and got the he-l out.

So much happier now with a new company working with people who treats me with respect and managers who genuinely care for their people.

Post ID: @1usn+1mO9rpEg

The toxic cult like culture begins in HR! Do you seriously believe one of these HR people around here would help? No. All of the good ones are gone. The remaining are all cowards. Scared of their own shadows. Even if HR tried to help you; DW and TG minions would execute them for assisting you and leave their heads on a flag pole for display. Remember “We Are ExxonMobil”

Post ID: @yqs+1mO9rpEg

Is he Canadian? Trading has lots of the same type.

Post ID: @qnq+1mO9rpEg

Is this phrase sounds familiar, “
You are good asset for the company”. Midland loves it.

Post ID: @vzs+1mO9rpEg

This manager sounds great, we probably should promote him

Post ID: @pqv+1mO9rpEg

Sounds like the guy “leading” the maintenance transformation debacle
Of course that description fits so many….

Post ID: @ekd+1mO9rpEg

Nope, it doesn’t help. Had an extremely toxic and incompetent manager - not a single person on our team liked him. Eventually, someone filed a HR complaint. He was moved out of country for a few years and came back as an executive.

One of his catch phrases, “what interests my boss fascinates me.” He was an absolute tool, POS, but he knew how to work the system. Lost so much respect for the company that they didn’t see through this douche bag and kick him to the curb. Promoting that behavior rots a system from the inside out.

Post ID: @wtp+1mO9rpEg

HR is to protect the company, not us. They are not our friends.

Post ID: @gjm+1mO9rpEg

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