Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

Why do we love forced ranking?

Another year of performance assessments and another year of saying these are all good performers but we have to find people to go into the NI/ NSI bucket. Why oh why do we do this to ourselves. These are good performers who are now going to likely leave the company.

| 2588 views | | 10 replies (last June 2, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mTkTObZ

10 replies (most recent on top)

The only ones who Love forced ranking are the chosen sponsored people.

I have seen an id--t destroy all that he touched but his Supervisor received a phone call from a VP instructing that no bad items to be mentioned in ranking session and to keep him in first quintile. By definition he was PIP candidate but due to sponsorship he was ranked at top. He must love forced ranking.

Post ID: @2tcj+1mTkTObZ

We, Exxonmobil, do not like employees that do their base job well and happy with their position. We only want backstabbers that boast / exaggerate / brag about their skills and contribution.

Post ID: @2fkv+1mTkTObZ

The flawed assessment system will find a few talented performers and force them to leave. Sounds a lot like American Idol.

Post ID: @1onc+1mTkTObZ


Clinton is moving to Bengaluru Technology Center and Houston in 2024. Announcement(s) expected in 2H2023.

Post ID: @1kqt+1mTkTObZ

EM leadership used the forced ranking to succeed and are currently using the forced ranking to pull up certain chosen favorites.

Maybe with the influx of new hire executives there could be slight changes, but not much.

Post ID: @1iwf+1mTkTObZ

So true, it's definitely them and us, no 'we' in the company now.

Post ID: @1llc+1mTkTObZ

Be prepared for the blindside Annandale, have a plan …..July is coming.

Post ID: @1qfb+1mTkTObZ

Because it works for Darren, Liam, Karen and the rest of the ultra competitive type A a-holes who love politics, and ‘compete to win’ behaviors which hamper collaboration and teamwork. This is a downwards spiral where good becomes NSI and Excellent will become good with time. We are all screwed in time

Post ID: @1bnx+1mTkTObZ

"We", "ourselves".
OP, you got a pronoun problem.
It's 'They' - and they don't care about 'you'.

Post ID: @oct+1mTkTObZ

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