Thread regarding MetLife Inc. layoffs

How to know layoffs are happening

The real clue that you will start to see now that bonus has been paid, are the internal emails about how employees have informed their managers of their intent to retire or pursue outside opportunities. The language is the same, regardless of the manager sending the email. No ingenuity there.

Exactly what @zqw+1lUf47HP said. This has been the way for years.

| 1229 views | | 3 replies (last April 22, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1md6MnYX

3 replies (most recent on top)

I hope they get rid of the low quality, bottom of the barrel people managers. Anyone who's worked elsewhere, knows we are being subjected to absolute junk managers here.

Post ID: @3hpd+1md6MnYX

The larger scale is inevitable. The true economy is collapsing.

Post ID: @3mhe+1md6MnYX

Those are not layoffs. Those are one off changes (whether voluntary or not, doesn’t matter… they are not large scale cuts).

Post ID: @1hpr+1md6MnYX

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