To the people who were part of the layoffs. While it was painful and probably life changing to many, you now have the opportunity to move forward with your lives. Use the severance pay to plan for the next stage of your work life.
We who remain, while yes still having a job are overworked and afraid of our own shadows.
When will I be called into an HR meeting and told that I’m being let go?
No merits means the extra workload will not equal more pay.
No promotions in my future.
Will my job be outsourced?
Will my position be eliminated?
Who will I report to this week?
The stress level we are experiencing is not in balance with the pay. Everyday is draining. Would not be surprised if current employees start using more time off or start taking medical leave of absences.
Yes it is that bad. People here in Tampa looked at Nielsen as the place to be, that feeling is gone.
An excellent point from @9qvf+1lZBAHUE.