Thread regarding Prudential layoffs

Layoffs are coming

Next round of “transformations” are about to occur without outing myself it is safe to say that all positions are up for elimination. Time to look for new work.

| 3092 views | | 11 replies (last January 4, 2024)
Post ID: @OP+1o7bF3pU

11 replies (most recent on top)

To the poster who asked if Charlie is leaving, he's Not leaving Prudential. He's crazy glued his A$$ to his throne like Chairman Mao Zedong who was in power for 47 years! Prudential is antiquated and out of touch with reality, Not just technologically but also in terms of corporate policies, how to do work and culture. It's replete with old white men who are stuck in the 20th Century, over 20 years ago in their thinking, beliefs and how they should "run" the Company. Prudential is definitely Not doing DEI or ESG.

Post ID: @2ipon+1o7bF3pU

Roger Putman is done looks like the higher P levels are getting it first. First it was Sue Urvinsky now him.

Post ID: @Oyzo+1o7bF3pU

Did anything happen?

Post ID: @ezes+1o7bF3pU

McKinsey, BCG, who's next? Bain to complete the group? Oh wait, I think Bain's already in the door for the NPS cr-p 🥲

Post ID: @bxfr+1o7bF3pU

Gotta love the management consultants! But the cr-p starts with the ELT.

McKinsey was already hired for enterprise “market competitiveness”…just heard they (CEO? ELT?) hired another one, BCG, to also look into the Marketing department. Shambles

Post ID: @9hrn+1o7bF3pU

Everyone is up for elimination….except the ELT! 😂😂

Got to love the management consultants 👏

Post ID: @6awk+1o7bF3pU

When will they start? What area is being hit the hardest?

Post ID: @3yxh+1o7bF3pU

Always hated that PRU lingo! Bunch of clones that start using it just cause their boss uses it. So annoying!

Post ID: @2mfz+1o7bF3pU

Yes, “market competitiveness” , “transformation” , “rightsizing”… lingo, same old story

Post ID: @1ffm+1o7bF3pU

Maybe the cio is on the way out time will tell. The next couple of months are going to get interesting. I would start looking for new work. I am looking at positions that will double my salary. My unit used to be easy going not any more. To much micro management.

Post ID: @rfx+1o7bF3pU

Does that include the CEO and CIO ?

Post ID: @xwl+1o7bF3pU

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