Thread regarding Pearson PLC layoffs

Townhall postings

The TAS townhalls are increasingly disturbing. From an HR perspective, is being chastised by leadership "to get your sh-t together" OK to share on social media?

| 2100 views | | 7 replies (last September 6, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1oc5uhCa

7 replies (most recent on top)

  1. .guess this isn't the best time to be looking for work as en eLearning developer for higher education..

I used to build modules for Pearson some years back and liked it. Then I taught high school for a few years..then was thinking of getting back into ed tech so I've been upskilling on the latest software and whatnot..

Is this just toast now? Blegh.

Post ID: @hmwp+1oc5uhCa

I've heard the foul language you speak of from a sales manager at Pearson. Truth is the business is slowly dying due to OER pressure. It isn't just here at Pearson - it is a race to the bottom in higher education publishing.

Post ID: @7smk+1oc5uhCa

Just so painfully slow to catch up, is our industry. We’ve amplified the pain by making some foolish short-term decisions that completely screwed us for years to come. Plus our HE Salesforce was placated and hand held for years and now people are surprised when they lay down the hammer? It’s a shame there’s some good eggs in sales even in leadership but if no one has a new plan or strategy…..yep it’s a death march.

Post ID: @2jmx+1oc5uhCa

@2srz+1oc5uhCa Preach! It’s just a miserable business and people are angry. Losing is not fun and we all know that in life everyone does not get a trophy.

It’s pretty much that simple.

My guess is if you work at chat gpt these days, going to work is pretty fun!

Post ID: @2diy+1oc5uhCa

Where on social media were they posted?

Post ID: @2eps+1oc5uhCa

You can't get blood from a stone. The constant pressure to grow a shrinking market with a bookbag full of b---s--- is unrealistic and an effort to weed out employees who are unwilling or self-aware enough to not stick it out. Let them quit, management says. No severance, no legal blowback, Bye Felicia. The toxicity will cannibalize the workforce. It's like Office Space...hold on there, he'll no longer be receiving a paycheck, so it'll just work itself out. We fixed the glitch. Redundancies will show themselves and execs will be completely insulated. Corporate strategy. Cool.

Post ID: @2srz+1oc5uhCa

I once had a boss in publishing (not Pearson) who was the most foul-mouthed, condescending person I've ever unfortunately met. Literally said to me onetime "f-ck you." And he was my direct manager.

HR couldn't have cared less.

They are there to do management's bidding. And its typically at the CEO and their close friend level.

The crazy thing is that I have not found this to be the case outside of education.

Its just a miserable business.

Post ID: @1pnx+1oc5uhCa

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