I was charged with drinking and driving in company vehicle and will be in court during August. Does anybody have experience in how to avoid any problems with this and how can I explain to the company I cant drive after i lose my licence?
I was charged with drinking and driving in company vehicle and will be in court during August. Does anybody have experience in how to avoid any problems with this and how can I explain to the company I cant drive after i lose my licence?
Clean-up, aisle 7, Clean-up on aisle 7.
Medical issue is the best advice. They can’t legally require you to disclose a medical issue.
But seriously, how d-mb are you to drive a company vehicle under the influence?
Hopefully, they will fire you
claim mental health....that works for everything
Tell them you have a medical problem and can't drive for a while. (After all, alcoholism is a medical problem and, who knows, you may be developing it). So, do not lie, but don't give them any more details either.
SLB will fire you for sure.
Good Luck