Don't believe me. Dive in to any store showing more than 30 agreements per week. You will notice "frequent flyers". This means there are a few customers that always get typed up during a sales event. No money down 3 or 4 weeks free and it sits in the store. Then when it comes due, they return it.
Investors reading this- look at percent collected, COD and past due collection percentages. Same store sales, Smrr growth is all a show.
Look for districts with low percents collected and profit loser stores. Starting there you will find what I am saying.
9 replies (most recent on top)
Blow the whistle on the frauds
Keep posting locations, fake agreememts hurt investors
2634 and 2684 for sure
Lol, post store locations, just look at a transaction audit trail!
This has been going on for years nothing new .
Please post store locations if you are certain of fraud.
The only reason they are still in business is they found a way to earn $$$ of the roller coaster stock price they have.
And, the little rd is the biggest offender of them all. LP has to turn a blind eye or they will get fired. If your not cheating your not trying to win, thats upbd's saying. All the non-cheaters were pushed out of the Company, basically you have a Companty with no ethics.
Surprised they are still open left this past year . Best choice I ever made . Company keeps losing only a matter of time . My store manager would do the same thing every event . Not just a few people tho I had when I left probably damn near 40 or so fake sales on my route to the point I don't even know who to call so credit looked whack because can't return everyone same time