Thread regarding Giant Eagle layoffs

Rumors of more cuts

I've been hearing too many rumors of more cuts coming our way for it to be ignored. Be smart and prepare as best as you can (spruce up your resume, start networking, minimize your spending...) I truly hope I'm wrong about this, but it's still better to be prepared than surprised.

| 1103 views | | 3 replies (last November 29)
Post ID: @OP+1pHi10sH

3 replies (most recent on top)

I have not heard rumors about this. Every company is always talking about head count, that's nothing new. GEB hiring doesn't really seem to be increasing, in fact it seems to have slowed down the last few months and the hiring that is going on seems to be isolated to specific areas.

Post ID: @8jce+1pHi10sH

How many jobs they sending to the GEB these days?

Post ID: @8zov+1pHi10sH

They talk about head count every any ELT would. They are always bucketing team members into groups of keep or expendable. Every company does this.

Stressing over a rumor is going to give you gray hair and ulcers. You don't need a rumor, you need to understand its talked about ALL THE TIME. And you should update your resume every 6 months and keep your LinkedIn profile updated every month or so. Don't be caught with your pants down.

Keep doing your job to the best of your ability and they won't be able to let you go.

Post ID: @1rkx+1pHi10sH

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