Thread regarding XTO Energy Inc. layoffs

ExxonMobil/Xto/Pioneer merge

Just want to say.
We (Or at least me) at Pioneer look forward to us all merging together. Hopefully we all have open minds to learn, help & teach each other.

| 525 views | | 3 replies (last July 17)
Post ID: @OP+1srm2NEK

3 replies (most recent on top)

I guess Denbury is the red-headed stepchild here. Can we be in your club too?

Post ID: @17llr+1srm2NEK

Who is this troll?

Post ID: @glif+1srm2NEK

Well said! If we all embrace this, those that stay will all be better off.

Post ID: @7art+1srm2NEK

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