Thread regarding IBM layoffs

IBM age lawsuit highlights PIPs

Older workers, it's claimed, were given impossible performance goals to create baseless negative performance reviews as a pretext to get rid of them.

| 1341 views | | 8 replies (last June 29)
Post ID: @OP+1t7IBIiK

8 replies (most recent on top)

It's like 1/2 of the US is taking advantage of the other half or sc--wing them over.
The gov employees, the tenured twits, the bankers/scammers and CEOs (basically anyone who is not being outsourced or insourced) vs Everyone Else. The sad and scary part is the first group is not terribly essential to society but getting very wealthy or have good benefits.

Post ID: @9ylg+1t7IBIiK


you are absolutely right - you need to write to your State representatives and find out what is going on with the tax situation given the move of so many US jobs to Arvind's homeland. IBM has been even trying dodge paying taxes to the State of New York while the headquarters are still in Armonk. Someone in the State and Federal government needs to audit IBM and check their finances, and the fat slob JK.

Unscrupulous companies like IBM just take jobs from Americans using the crooked H1B visa scheme while keeping it's CEO and executives paid in US dollars. Why not just move the company and register it in India and pay in rupees ? I'm sure the US shareholders and executives would protest that and Modi might have a fa-t attack if the IRS pays him a visit. But shell companies are created every day in the offshore Caribbean islands to cheat the US government of it's share of taxes. Some things never change.

Post ID: @8ajq+1t7IBIiK

i am not sure why i am paying taxes to a government that gives
bailouts and tax breaks to a dying indian company like ibm
(besides the usual threat of force)

Post ID: @7mpv+1t7IBIiK


When did Krishna say this?

Post ID: @1zca+1t7IBIiK

I worked with one or more of the plaintiffs, they are the best of the best and would not fit into the current IBM - which pretty much says it all

Post ID: @1vjx+1t7IBIiK


But AK is a dinosaurus himself, so isn't his statement typical IBM management hypocrisy?

Post ID: @1fgr+1t7IBIiK

AK said: “No more dinosaurs at IBM”

Post ID: @1uex+1t7IBIiK

perhaps a new tactic as the age discrimination law suit works it way through the courts

Post ID: @1hvg+1t7IBIiK

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