Thread regarding GoDaddy Inc. layoffs

Layoffs just occurred again.

More were laid off this time to "allow the growth" of the company. Some companies never do layoffs and here GoDaddy is at least once every year with no warning. They were good people with a lot of tenure. Don't get too comfortable.

| 622 views | | 4 replies (last July 21)
Post ID: @OP+1tdJrtm9

4 replies (most recent on top)

I would more blame Amanda the CEO. What a piece of sh-t that guy is. Came in and immediately starts getting rid of US support in chunks so he can outsource. Fu-k that guy and anybody who made these decisions. Wouldn't have happened with Blake. Bob Parsons wouldn't have let it happen either.

Post ID: @pbsj+1tdJrtm9

Yes it's true, they let go of pretty much the remaining upper level support teams. Say goodbye to asking to speak to "Tier 2 support" 🤣 or to speak to as "US hosting/server" tech!! Our entire team which was made up of all of us that had been with GoDaddy an average of 9-10 years, was suddenly locked out and let go, no warning. So, GD customers, you better get used to ALL BPO (Overseas untrained non tech people). They are hoping that the new "AI" Tool that alters the agents accent to sound like an American will be enough to fool you! I am guessing when they can't answer a simple DNS question (or know what DNS is) you will figure out they aren't actually getting trained US support.

Post ID: @azms+1tdJrtm9

They also let going of their account managers for marketing services.

Post ID: @1upr+1tdJrtm9

GoDaddy just let go their Server Support and Teir 2 Hosting departments. Expect to see a lower quality of support.

Post ID: @hia+1tdJrtm9

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