Thread regarding Schlumberger Ltd. layoffs

Ultimately people will suffer

The video from OLP said:

  • digital adoption hasn’t happened at the anticipated pace
  • the market reacted to expensive acquisitions and we haven’t had chance to realize synergies yet
  • the super cycle is softening and we need to prepare to protect margin going forward

Ultimately it means that the people suffer. You can argue if management bet on the right horses but they have the power and we are the weak. Don’t get old because they will cast you asunder.

Succinct, and means lean times are ahead, @Qngh+1spuGHuW.

| 1796 views | | 4 replies (last July 17)
Post ID: @OP+1tjuDa3u

4 replies (most recent on top)

Budget reductions are imminent for new product development. Projects that aren't generating revenue are under intense scrutiny.

Post ID: @fuzj+1tjuDa3u

The laughable 'Project Northstare aka Project Darkstar or Project Darkstarve, is a BS collection of wordage which actually says.....' Revenue is sc--wed, we're years too late with the push for new technology, suprise, suprise, new tech does not provide revenue quickly and we really, really need to make large savings.
Refrain from taking out any loans and keep your eyes on the jobmarket.

Post ID: @9ffy+1tjuDa3u

SLB is cutting hundreds of jobs in Houston while they promote automation of the E&P process to manpower in the industry.

Post ID: @9qsw+1tjuDa3u

Cool blood guys do not care!

Post ID: @9ykt+1tjuDa3u

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