Thread regarding Bank of New York Mellon Corp. layoffs

Got offered the PIP & GO

Should I take it? Has anyone had any experiences one way or the other? Got offered 12 weeks full pay and benefits

| 7886 views | | 19 replies (last August 1)
Post ID: @OP+1tx9kqxw

19 replies (most recent on top)

Take it.

They play EXTREMELY dirty there and will torture you out without giving you anything next. It is not worth the psychological agony and gaslighting that will follow if you choose to stay.
I'm sorry, but they want your job and probably your 401K match. It's not you.
And ensure people know what you experienced here.
The truth of your experience must be told.

Take it and start anew at a better, more ethical place.

Post ID: @ghpw+1tx9kqxw

As with most things in life you largely control your destiny outside of serious injuries or life altering problems.
This place is a life altering problem

Post ID: @9hms+1tx9kqxw

I know several people who recommitted to their job after a PIP and went on to rectify their issues and become valuable employees.

As with most things in life you largely control your destiny outside of serious injuries or life altering problems.

Post ID: @9ker+1tx9kqxw

Take it! You would basically need to be at an exceeds level at the end of the PIP for them to not let you go.
Two people that I know that decided to stay were both let go at the end of the 3 months and at that point they did not get anything. If you take it now at least you will get some compensation.

Post ID: @3lhd+1tx9kqxw

Not everyone offered the PIP or go is a slacker - that's the rub. I am not in that spot - but am aware of a few who were offered and their inability to meet standards (that were arbitrarily assigned to them, without any realist ability to meet the standards) is totally outside their control. It is sad that McKrapsy, I mean McKinsey, has recommended an operating structure that doesn't work in a regulated environment and the only way Managment can meet their goals is to get rid of talent and experience. And since the street isn't actually aware that most of the earnings is based off of smoke and mirrors which can't be sustained, the stock price is such that CEO is going to be hailed instead of revealed for the Emperor in New Clothes that he really is.

Best of luck - take the package and hope you find something better!

Post ID: @2pov+1tx9kqxw

Take the package, you could walk on water and still get let go. Go work hard for someone who actually values you.

Post ID: @1jwx+1tx9kqxw

Take it and ‘Go’!!
By default you will have a successful PIP too.
P-revailed I-ntolerable P-lace.

Post ID: @1twg+1tx9kqxw

Take it. My understanding is that no one can improve to the point where they will keep you. You’ve been identified as someone with a position they want to eliminate, so the package is the best bet. Good luck in your future endeavors!

Post ID: @1prp+1tx9kqxw

Take it! and dont listen to the people talking sht about being on PIP. The PIP process in this place is not fair...I know many bootlickers that should be in a PIP but were promoted.

Post ID: @1imk+1tx9kqxw

Terminated for cause of course means not coming into work.

First job ever? You should learned this lesson at 16 years old.

Post ID: @1ayk+1tx9kqxw

@xyh+1tx9kqxw - 15 months and you're already being offered a PIP and you think the bank is the problem? They're actually being quite generous by giving you any paid time to be honest

Post ID: @1wxo+1tx9kqxw

@1fxi If a future employer calls BNY, HR and former managers can only confirm that you were employed here and the dates. Nothing more or they can be sued. I was instructed to never give more info than this.

Post ID: @1ibg+1tx9kqxw

If you take the PIP, and work real hard on every single demand. They will still let you go, but it would be due to bad performance and new employers can see that in background checks vs a reorg. What department and location are you in?

Post ID: @1fxi+1tx9kqxw


You’ve slacked hard for it, so why waffle now? Surely you knew that it’s going to impact your next job search, if you ever do decide to work again.

Post ID: @kdw+1tx9kqxw

Take it. If you were offered a PIP and Go it means you are about to be fired no matter how much you do on your PIP. Take what you can and go, otherwise you get zero

Post ID: @hnk+1tx9kqxw

12 weeks for only 15 months of service? You should immediately take that and laugh all the way to your bank!

Post ID: @wsy+1tx9kqxw

I am OP and have been here for 15 months. I think in the interest of protecting myself and having a fresh start I will take the package but am open to other opinions.

Post ID: @xyh+1tx9kqxw

I’ve been told from others offered the same - they decided to go on the pip rather than take the 3 months package & that even though they were told they corrected whatever nonsense they needed to towards the end of the 3 mths , they were let go afterward and claimed it was for cause and they got nothing.

Post ID: @bnx+1tx9kqxw

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