It's coming...
It's coming...
Tards talking to Tards about how much they know, which is very little. Go buy a $70k truck at 10% interest. Tards never learn.
Ja--ing it in k bay is all you tards are good for.
Cuts will be shared by all. Enjoy the new world.
The wind is going to stop blowing. Drill baby drill!!!
No cuts in Schenectady fake news
Football and beer and then seeing this yesterday sounds like a good time. My old employer will take me back any day.
Every sector in the country is making cuts and adjustments before the economy tanks out. It will be worse than 08 and could be like 1929. From big box stores closing to store who get free goods to resell are closing. I highly doubt the cuts will be limited to 900 and only for the wind sector. Every industry is planning for something and adjusting to the markets. But I can guarantee more starting with Human Respurces and ops leaders.
I’m for one glad we sold out to the company. We got to pack our pensions at the expense of the lower scale rate that was never here.
I can’t wait to see the unskilled workers and cry babies get walked out again.
It’s all one company GE Vernova so they can cut 900 plus at any facility or a combo. Once they realize there is to many unskilled workers in Schenectady I’m sure they are smart enough to see what clueless Hr and the clueless managers hired. No one will own up to their incompetence in poor judgment.
Well between the economy and the 900 wind cuts I’m sure with the past practice of GE and the Newer GE Vernova. Whom with the same people in charge will find away to cut a lot of jobs here at the Schenectady Campus. All new hires will be gone layoffs going back to 2013
Schenectady is doing wind work to keep it afloat, Gas has all the new work. 8-10 years of work is based on the O&M requirements on GEN rewinds. Doing 3 or 4 a year by 2026 ain't that much work you need what 50 fat union tards. Go back to sleep in k day you human pile of garbage. I hope you get fired and your kids see you as a bigger failure that could even make it though HVCC.
I went back and was reading old threads someone posted in July. Good read!
@1czh+1uB7gfAg Maybe the local union need more money so the company did the union a favor before they lay off 200 people including ops leaders with no degree. I’ve seen them let go 20 year veterans with degrees
What are they going to do with all the unskilled new hires in Schenectady. These jobs take a year or 2 to really get it down.
They will start to make the cuts before election time or right after. They know trump is going to drill more than worry about the useless wind power green energy/money grab scam. See you in the bread line it was short lived my career here in 273.
dkd+1uB7gfAg- it didn’t say nothing about overseas. It’s sounding like the cuts are coming from Schenectady!
Alstom strikes again let me tell you cuz I have already lived this once they say that 900 will be cut in Europe but the European unions will fight and fight and fight until GE says sc--w it we'll just lay off people in the US and then have the Europeans work us projects it's cheaper. You'll be lucky if a third of those layoffs are in the EU.
I just bought a new truck and boat. I have less than a year in the union. Am I safe from layoffs?
Looks like 273 will be down to 350 union workers around October -Dec
Didn’t somewhere in the layoffs comments of years of work? And we are expanding. That only works if you hire people with common sense and some Tangible work skills. It’s going to be bigger than they are reporting. Always is! They should have went with employees who worked here before!
Well first ones to go is the ops leaders and quality engineers. What did GE think? They did the same thing with the failed battery plant! They will let them go around the time the market crashes and everyone is laying off. To make the perception that the leadership of GE didn’t make bad choices by hiring unskilled labor. They should have tried to call back former skilled employees who took pride in their work!
That will never happen