Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

HR preparing for another round of layoffs

My HR sources are saying they're currently prepping for a significant layoff. Several Line 2s will be hit this phase due to many unnecessary managerial positions. This is a "trim the fat phase" but other levels will be hit as well. Some will be targeted Q4 and many will be Q1 '25. They're also targeting long term associates to be eventually replaced with a younger cheaper workforce. The longer your tenure, the higher the risk. Best of luck to all and prepare for the worst.

Too bad we can't get more transparency from Bill and Team

| 1525 views | | 20 replies (last December 26)
Post ID: @OP+1uCnqbSn

20 replies (most recent on top)

They gaslight employees saying things are fine when they arent

Post ID: @1yrjc+1uCnqbSn

I would say it doesn't matter how much you make...there are of L2s making $150k-$200k. If they like you, they will keep you. If they don't they won't. These are FACTS. It's not how competent you are...

Post ID: @Mbce+1uCnqbSn

I am at 88% of midpoint in a zone 2 city. Most of my team are in zone 3 cities. Does that make me safer? Or are hub people safer even if they make more?

Glad I didn’t go look at that truck today.

Post ID: @Gtpk+1uCnqbSn

Let the anxiety commence. If you aren't kissing butt, expect to go. 80% of your time should be spent on calls with management talking about sports or whatever floats their boat. If you aren't talking to them at least 4x week, you are on their sh!t list.

Post ID: @9gjs+1uCnqbSn

Big Tex,
Im in Ad Sales so we too get a dose of the Texas dung coming from Cyn Collins. Btw, I dont understand why she posted the TPG ATT rant in this forum but I digress. Its disturbing to read these posts of her marital affair with the Department VP, your victimized Branch Davidian group, and various forms of abuse

Layoff season is approaching and soon a Dish merger. Lets hope this news brings a positive change to your Dept. We need to break from these deranged unqualified managers!!!

Post ID: @7ndd+1uCnqbSn

DTV is full of incompetent leaders and useless employees whose only daily work is kissing manager's a-s and show popularity, all should let go, ugly faces.

Post ID: @6dle+1uCnqbSn

Big Tex, you are working too hard for a company that considers you completely disposable. Take care of your mental and physical health. Use your time on payroll to vamp up your resume, learn new skills, start a side hustle. Consider it 100% paid unemployment.

Use all of that energy you are expending worrying about things out of your control and redirect it to things you can control, which is the next steps in your journey.

If you get laid off, you get severance but have a 2-3 month head start w/resumes, interviewing, etc. If you find a new job, you have that peace of mind. If you get both, even better.

Post ID: @6qze+1uCnqbSn

Thx for sharing Katie, we have our fingers crossed. Im in Ad Sales Traffic and we feel the pain, anxiety, torment, low morale, mental health issues etc. Our team hopes and awaits a positive change especially at the Management level. We're mentally exhausted. Lets hope they start knocking down some of these incompetent deranged managers

Post ID: @3hzw+1uCnqbSn

@1zqy lol 8.4M subs left. That's horrible. So glad I left DTV and I don't need to worry about their revolving layoffs anymore.

Post ID: @3jeg+1uCnqbSn

I don't think at&t buys dish tv. Direct tv is a competitor.

Post ID: @3ggk+1uCnqbSn

Sounds about right. Would make sense with the huge amount of intern openings compared to others noted in prior message boards.

Good luck ya'll. Once you find yourself out of this toxic environment, everything will be a huge improvement. (Just doesn't look that way now)

Post ID: @2wnk+1uCnqbSn

Remember, TPG is an investment firm. They dont give a sh1t about people. Theyre only in this for shareholders and profits. Your productivity is meaningless here. Cash them checks, learn new skills, and do bare minimum till you’re eventually lead off the plank. Thats how I play the game, kiddos.

Post ID: @2cvv+1uCnqbSn

Its a matter of time when DIRECTV goes to the ground. Our incompetent management teams are just speeding up the dooming process. There would be champagne popping if a huge amount of managers were sent packing especially in Ad Ops, bunch of goons

Post ID: @1iax+1uCnqbSn

In my organization there have been a bunch of in person strategy sessions in recent months for the higher ups. This might explain some of it. My resume gets updated every 3 months so I'm ready if/when I get the call. I'm not going to worry about it or dwell on it, because it is completely out of my control.

Post ID: @1qnz+1uCnqbSn

Likely that at&t would buy out dish tv?

Post ID: @1wsd+1uCnqbSn

Katie, funny this phase had been mentioned in another thread back in May I posted below. The chatter we’re hearing is true. Get them resumes ready yall.
May 3rd, 2024, - DIRECTV has now completed a long planned layoff of about 400 workers company wide. More layoffs planned in the fall. Only about 7500 employees left. Cord cutting and extremely poor management are driving this company into the ground. Lost 1.8 million subscribers in 2023. Only 6.8 million satellite subscribers left. Counting UVERSE and DVTE (streaming), total subs is about 8.4 million.

Post ID: @1zqy+1uCnqbSn

Merger with dish? Is dish doing layoffs?

Post ID: @1rmh+1uCnqbSn

My colleagues were accurate when they said layoff plans would go into overdrive once the Disney deal was completed. Here we go. This is mentally draining

Post ID: @1ssm+1uCnqbSn

Yep. Rumblings at Headquarters are getting louder. Something is brewing

Post ID: @zvy+1uCnqbSn

I’ve been involved in similar discussions with insiders. Buckle up. Here we go again

Post ID: @dnd+1uCnqbSn

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